Increasing the adaptability of grape microclones in vitro

Keywords: grape, in vitro, vegetative mass, root system, adaptation


The article presents the results of research on obtaining microclones of grapes with high adaptive capacity. Purpose – To determine the influence of different compositions of growth medium on the growth and development of vegetative mass and root system of grape microclones. Methods. Biotechnological, laboratory, computation and comparative methods were used during the work. Results. It is shown that the use of biologically active preparation Radipharm, Clonex gel, and structured growth medium is expedient for obtaining microclones of grapes with well-developed vegetative mass and root system. Plants with the largest area of leaf blades, and total foliage were obtained on such growth media. These indicators were higher than the control values, on average, by 50.0–90.0 %. The grape microclones obtained in these variants formed more virtue of their deep root systems, which manifested themselves in a larger number of roots of different gradations. On average, according to varieties and variants, the plants formed from 5,5 to 10,7 pcs. roots of the first order and 18,9 to 34,6 pcs. roots of the second order. The total length of the roots of the first order decreased by 6,2–31,8%, the length of one root of the first order by 37,7–63,8%, the total length of the roots of the second-order – by 11,3–35,9%, and the length of one root of the second-order by 34,7– 56,5%. Conclusions. For in vitro grape cultivation, it is advisable to use the growth medium MS with a minimum content of phytohormones – 0.3 mg/l IOC and 0.2 mg/l BAP. To form a vegetative mass with a well-developed crop's foliage and a root system, it is recommended to cultivate grape microclones on structured growth media (MS + agroperlite + vermiculite, MS + agroperlite, MS + vermiculite) or to use rhinogenesis stimulator – Clonex gel (treatment of the basal part of the cuttings before planting on a growth medium).


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