Perspective culture for bioenergetics of Ukraine

Keywords: mays, hemp, hybrid, variety, starch, biomasa, biogas, bioethanol


Purpose. Study and analysis of world experience ingrowing corn and hemp for use in bioenergy. Assessmentof the condition and potential of corn and hemp, the mostimportant components of their rational and diverse use.Methods. Quantitative and qualitative comparison,abstract-logical, analytical. Research materials oncurrent and future resource opportunities for biofuelproduction in Ukraine and the world, the energy potentialof corn and hemp were used as research materials.Results. Growing corn together with food and feedis now associated with a new direction of use, such asprocessing into bioethanol, as corn grain has a high starchcontent (60-85%). The starch contained in the grain is firstdecomposed into sugar, then this sugar in the fermentationprocess is converted into alcohol, after which the solutionis subjected to purification and evaporation. The yieldof bioethanol depends primarily on the starch content inthe grain, which is determined by the group of maturity,a subspecies of the hybrid. The highest starch content(HIP05 hybrid = 0.42%) on average for three years wasobserved in the group of mid-late hybrids: Tronka – 70.55%, Arabat – 71.21%, Vira – 72.82%, also in thesehybrids there was a maximum starch yield - 9.64, 9.84,10.07 t/ha, respectively. In our studies, the maximum yieldof raw aboveground mass in the "phase of milk ripenessof grain" showed hybrids of corn of the late Late groupArabat (FAO 430) and Vira (FAO 430). The maximumvalues of the estimated specific yield of biogas basedon the content of elements in the silage were recordedin the hybrid maize Arabat (FAO 430) – 7,041 thousandm3/ha. Hemp is competitive in the production of biogasand solid biofuels, as it gives high biomass yields and goodspecific methane yield with the potential to increase withpre-treatment of raw materials. Conclusions. Selectionand cultivation of domestic varieties of hemp and maizehybrids is necessary for Ukraine, which will not only reduceenergy imports and save significant foreign exchangeresources, but also strengthen economic independence,improve the environment, create new jobs, developthe alcohol industry and to increase the interest of farmersin the cultivation of energy crops.


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