Inheritance of plant height by winter wheat hybrids of different ecological genetic origin under irrigation conditions

Keywords: varieties, hybrids, wheat, irrigation, selection, yield, plant height, precocity


Purpose. To establish the nature of inheritance of the trait ‘plant height’, the duration of the period of ‘flowering – maturity’ in hybrids of winter wheat, created with the involvement of late-maturing specimens of Western European ecotype. Establish correlations of these indicators with grain yield of selected families. Methods. Field research was conducted at the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS in 2016–2021. The object of research were modern varieties of winter wheat of the Institute, collection samples of Western European ecotype, which were introduced from France and hybrids created with their participation. Varieties and hybrids were sown under irrigation by the scheme ‘maternal form, paternal, hybrid’. Methods – field, laboratory, breeding and genetic, statistical. Results. The results of research on the inheritance of plant height by winter wheat hybrids, created with the participation of contrasting varieties of ecological and genetic origin, are presented. The determination of stem length by F1 soft winter wheat plants created with different ecotypes was varied. Positive dominance was observed in the majority of cross-dwarf parental forms. In hybrids created with the participation of medium-sized genotypes with semidwarf inheritance was positive dominance. Evaluations of selected families on plant height, timing and grain yield in breeding nurseries revealed the level of ties of individual traits and identified the most important markers for selection and adjustment of the variety model. In the analyzed selections from hybrid populations, the increase in plant height leads to a decrease in yield, and an increase in the duration of the growing season to an increase in plant height. Conclusions. In most hybrid populations, however, there was a positive, weak relationship between the extension of the duration of formation and filling of grain with grain yield, which suggests the prospects of selection to extend the duration of vegetation under irrigation. For each hybrid population, created with the participation of contrasting in height and duration of vegetation parent components, it is necessary to develop a specific selection plan taking into account the intra-population correlation dependence of marker and performance traits.


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