Organization of computer service and modeling of selection for the quality of tobacco raw materials

Keywords: genetically programmed variety, highly intelligent technologies, variety, genotype, productivity


Purpose. Theoretical and methodological support of the selection process should be focused on the formation of highly intelligent technologies with the use of genetically programmed varieties of the required biological and economic orientation. Methods. The material for the preparation of the article was a collection of tobacco and the original selection material developed over a long period of work. The method of selection work is inter-varietal hybridization by simple, complex, saturating, parallel-saturating crosses and subsequent individual and mass selections. Results. The developed computer service system will increase the efficiency of the selection process due to the following factors: with the help of a data bank the breeder will have significant genetic information about the available material; the forecast of perspective hybrid combinations before carrying out crossing will allow to increase volumes of processing of initial material without additional expenses; information retrieval system of registration and documentation will allow to rationally plan selection experiments, increase their reliability and accuracy of estimates. Findings. Based on the analysis of the tobacco breeding process using different assessment methods, crossbreeding schemes, selection methods and detailed mathematical analysis, the following is established: when creating varieties with limited technological factors it is necessary to focus on forming a high lower threshold of productivity combined with reliable genetic protection, pests and diseases and systemic properties of genotype, kinetics of dynamic processes by optimizing phenotypic traits; determining the optimal morphology of plants of different varieties is based on the functional activity of each trait, which determines the genotype and determines the relationship of plant structure elements with gene activity, which is the basis for the theoretical basis of selection for productivity; in Ukraine, the growing season for the formation of tobacco varieties is limited to no later than September 15, so the model of varieties should be a sign of precocity, high adaptability to climatic conditions of growing regions and resistance to common pathogens.


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