Efficiency of Root Fertilization of Winter Wheat Crops in Northern Steppe of Ukraine
The main objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of root fertilization of winter wheat crops after soybeans for grain at different sowing dates. Sowing of Antonivka winter wheat after soybeans for grain was carried out in the following terms: September 15th and 25th, October 5th, 15th and 25th. Root fertilization of winter wheat crops of different ages was carried out at the end of the tillering phase of plants with nitrogen fertilizers in the norm of N33. The main records and observations were carried out according to generally accepted methods. In the conditions of northern Steppe of Ukraine, the highest grain productivity of winter wheat after soybeans for grain is formed during sowing period from September 15th to October 5th. On the average, during the research it has made 4,89-4,99 t/hectare. Later sowing causes a significant decrease in productivity. On average, over the years of research, the transfer of sowing period from October 5th to October 15th reduced productivity of wheat by 0,91 t/ha with fluctuations in different years from 0,21 to 1,62 t/ha (HIP05 = 0,06-0,12). Root fertilization with nitrogen fertilizers provides a significant increase in the productivity of winter wheat crops, regardless of the sowing period and weather conditions during the growing season of plants. On average over the years of research, the increase in productivity due to root fertilization was 0,55 t/ha. Irrespective of weather in the conditions of northern Steppe of Ukraine, high efficiency of nitrogen used for root fertilization of winter wheat crops in the early spring period is observed. The greatest productivity of nitrogen is observed in the years with the manifestation of certain adverse factors and is 20,8 kg of grain/kg of nitrogen. In the years when environmental conditions are favorable for the formation of the crop, the productivity of nitrogen by winter wheat decreases but remains high and is 15,1 kg of grain/kg of nitrogen, that is reducing the efficiency of nitrogen in such years does not exceed 27,5%.
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