Biologization of the technology of growing giant miscantus on biofuels

Keywords: Miscanthus giganteus, methods of cultivation, cultivation technology, yield, biomass


Purpose. Currently, the study of ways to increase the amount of biomass of energy crops for biofuels is gaining relevance. Which is related to the possibility of obtaining additional energy from renewable plant resources. No less important factor is the ecology of the environment. After all, the cultivation of energy crops must minimize the impact on the environment and adhere to the principle of sustainability. Therefore, the aim of our study was to establish the impact of biologization of giant miscanthus cultivation, based on co-cultivation with legumes (without fertilizers) on biomass yield. The field experiment will be established and conducted in the central part of the Forest- Steppe on the basis of Poltava State Agrarian University. The soils of the research area are typical medium humus chernozems. Methods. During the research general and special methods were used: stationary field experiment, an alysis and generalization, variance and correlation analysis. General and special: stationary field experiment, analysis and generalization, analysis of variance and correlation. Results. According to the results of many years of research, an increase in the organic matter content of the soil has been established on the options of joint cultivation of giant miscanthus with legumes. The carbon deposition in the soil ranged from 1.56 to 3.27%. The upper part of the arable soil layer contained a higher percentage of organic matter, the lower – much less. An increase in the yield of green mass (up to 52.3 t/ha) and dry biomass (up to 15.6 t/ha) was determined by joint cultivation of threeyear- old giant miscanthus plants with perennial lupine. Combined cultivation of miscanthus with clover and alfalfa also increased yields, but only by 0.5 t/ha for dry biomass. In contrast, variants of giant miscanthus with lupine contributed to a significant increase in yield by 1.1 t/ha more than the control. Conclusions. It was found that the content of organic matter in the soil has a strong relationship with the yield of dry biomass of giant miscanthus in all variants of the experiment with correlation coefficients r ≥ 0.7. Thus, the use of co-cultivation of giant miscanthus with legumes contributes to the increase of organic matter in the soil while increasing biomass yields.


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