Influence of the systems of basic tillage on the phytosanitary state of sowing and productivity of crop rotation on irrigation

Keywords: grain crops, fertilizers, productivity, shelfless tillage, splitting


A purpose is determination of efficiency of applicationof different methods and depth of basic tillage on the impuritof sowing, defeat and damages their illnesses by wreckerson a background the organo-mineral system of fertilizerwith the use of post-harvest residues of agriculturalcultures of 4-field grain-row crop rotation. Methods:the field, laboratory, calculation, visual, instrumentationgravimetric,biochemical, statistical – (dispersible)and (cross-correlation), comparatively-calculation withthe use of confessedly in Ukraine methods and methodicalrecommendations. Researches conducted in stationaryexperience of department of the irrigated agriculture of IIANAAS of Ukraine during 2016– 2021 in the area of actionof Ingulets irrigatory system. Research results: In sowingof cultures of crop rotation in a time of proceeding in a springvegetation the least amount of weeds 8,4-15,7 PCs/m2 wasobserved in the variant of ploughing. Chisel looseningon the same depth resulted in the increase of impurit on2,4–14,PCs/m2. At the differentiated systems of basictillage the amount of weeds was higher, than on control in1,5 and 2,8 time accordingly. Before harvesting of cultures of crop rotation there is conformity to law, which wasmarked at the beginning of vegetation and before bringingof insurance herbicides saved. At the system of differentdepth basic tillage with the turn of layer the productivityof crop rotation made 8,4 t/ha of grain-growing units invariants of plowless – different and single-depth shallowshe went down to 8,1 and 6,5 т/ha, or on 3,6 and 22,6%accordingly. At differentiated-1 of basic tillage the increaseof the productivity of crop as compared to control on 1,2 %,and at differentiated-2 on the contrary is a decline on7,1% Conclusion: the highest productivity on the outputof grain-growing units per on one hectare of areaof crop rotation provided the differentiated-1 systemof basic tillage with one slotting per the crop rotation ona depth a 38–40 cm with the index of 8,50 t/ha of graingrowingunits on a background the use of post-harvestresidues of cultures of crop rotation and dose of mineralfertilizers of N120P60, providing conditionally a net income20,4 thousand UAH/ha and by the profitability levelof 110,1%.


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