• M.P. MALIARCHUK Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • A.V. TOMNYTSKY Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • I.Yu. LUZHANSKY Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: основний обробіток ґрунту, поживний режим, післяжнивні рештки, гумус, сівозміна, зрошення., basic tillage of soil, nourishing mode, yellowed bits and pieces, humus, crop rotation, irrigation.


In the article the results of research of influence of dif-ferent doses of bringing of mineral fertilizers are presented with the sealing-off of листостебельной mass of agricul-tural cultures of crop rotation in soil by instruments with the different construction of working organs on the humus state, nourishing mode of soil and productivity of sorghum grain-growing. A purpose of the article is a scientific ground of the systems of basic tillage of soil and fertilizer at grow-ing of sorghum in a crop rotation on irrigation. The task of research consisted in establishment of influence of dif-ferent doses of bringing of mineral fertilizers with the seal-ing-off of root and stem mass of agricultural cultures of crop rotation in soil by instruments with the different construction of working organs on the humus state, nourishing mode of soil and productivity of sorghum. Researches conducted in stationary experience of department of the irrigated agri-culture of IIA NAAS of Ukraine during 2016-2018. In a crop rotation investigated five systems of basic tillage of soil with of different ways and in depth loosening on a background three organic and mineral systems of fertilizer. It is set that at growing of sorghum grain-growing in the conditions of South Steppe of Ukraine in a grain crop rotation on irri-gation it is expedient to apply the combined tillage which combines the shallow (12-14 cm) disk loosening with sub-soiling on a 38-40 cm and to use on a fertilizer the yellowed bits and pieces of predecessor (wheat winter) on a back-ground bringing of mineral fertilizers the dose of N90P60, that creates the favourable nourishing mode and forms the pro-ductivity of grain, depending on the hydrothermal terms of years of researches, within the limits of 6,27-8,54 т/ha, level of profitability – 210-218%. Conclusions. Use on the fertilizer of the yellowed bits (stem and root) and pieces of sorghum (10,27т/ha) in the variant of differentiated – 1 system of basic tillage provided the average annual cal-culation increase of humus + of 1,11 т/ha and accumulation in a layer a 0-40 cm of N - 49,2 kg/ha, P 2О5 - 24,6, K 2О are 59 kg/ha.


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