Variety testing of winter barley in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: variety, variety study, yield, winter barley


In recent decades, the yield of grain crops, includingwinter barley, increased significantly on a global scale.This was primarily due to the selection and geneticimprovement of the varietal composition. Replacing oldvarieties with new, more productive, competitive ones withbroad agroecological plasticity and increased adaptiveproperties to adverse environmental conditions is oneof the most rational ways to increase the grain yieldof winter grain crops. The aim of the study is to studythe varietal composition and determine the yield of winter barley grain depending on varietal characteristics inthe conditions of the Southern steppe of Ukraine. Methods.Experimental studies were conducted during 2019-2021 yrsin the conditions of the Educational, Scientific and PracticalCenter of the Mykolaiv National Agrarian University. Itwere used field and comparative research methods.Results. The studied varieties of winter barley have verygood indicators for economic characteristics. The averageyield over the years of variety testing was quite high and itreached 5.34 – 6.01 t/ha, depending on the variety. Theexceptions were the varieties Bureviy (4.39 t/ha), Gordist’Palmyry (2.95 t/ha) and Skarb Palmyry (3.72 t/ha). Inthe conditions of the experimental field of the Mykolaiv NAU,on average, over the years of research, 4.86 t/ha of winterbarley grain of the Bureviy variety, 5.48 t/ha of the DevyatyVal variety, 5.45 and 5.66 t/ha of the Gordist’ Palmyryand Skarb Palmyry varieties were obtained, which exceededthe grain yield indicators in the state variety test by 9.7; 2.6;45.8 and 34.3%, resepectively. Conclusions. The studiedvarieties of winter barley of selection by the Selectioningand Genetic Institute – the National Center for Seed Scienceand Variety Research meet the requirements of modernagricultural production and they are characterized by highadaptability. More productive among the studied varietiesin the conditions of the Southern steppe of Ukraine, onaverage over the years of research, are the Gordist’Palmyry, the Devyaty Val and the Skarb Palmyry varieties.


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