The importance of nutrition optimization in the efficient use of moisture by winter wheat in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: total water consumption, water consumption coefficient, growing season, nutrition background, fertilizer doses


The goal is to determine the water consumption of winter wheat depending on the optimization of nutrition and varietal characteristics for growing them in the conditions of the Southern steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Experimental studies with winter wheat were conducted during 2010-2013 yrs in the experimental field of the Mykolaiv NAU. The technology of their cultivation, with the exception of the studied factors, was generally accepted to the existing zonal recommendations for the southern steppe of Ukraine. The area of the sown area under wheat was 50 m2, the accounting area was 26 m2, and the repetition rate was 4 times. The following factors were included in the experiment scheme with winter wheat: such as winter wheat varieties (A) – Kolchuga and Donetskaya 48, nutrition background (B) – without fertilizers (control), N30; N60 ; N 16P16K16 and the estimated fertilizer dose for the yield level of 3.0 t/ha. Results. The total water consumption of the studied varieties of winter wheat in the 0-100 cm soil layer varied significantly during the years of cultivation and it ranged from 3461 M3/ha in 2011-2012 yrs up to 5732 M3/ha in 2010-2011yrs. The highest reserves of productive moisture in the 0-100 cm soil layer were determined in 2012-2013 yrs vegetation, the lowest ones were in 2011-2012 yrs with corresponding indicators 989 and 774 M3/ha or 24.2 and 22.4% of the total water consumption. Non–fertilized winter wheat plants on average for the years of research on the formation of 1 ton of grain with the corresponding amount of straw used 1955.4 up to 2136.4 m3 of water, depending on the variety, in nutrition options this indicator decreased to 1496.6-1647.1 m3/t. Conclusions. Field studies have determined the feasibility of optimizing the nutrition of winter wheat plants in the main growing seasons as the use of mineral fertilizers, which increases their resistance to environmental conditions and increases the efficiency of moisture and precipitation for crop formation, while preventing their unproductive losses due to evaporation.


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