Drip irrigation resourcesaving technology of intensive sweet cherry trees planting
Aim of the research is a development of the technological process of intensive sweet cherry trees planting drip irrigation, based on a comprehensive approach to the choice of a rational irrigation regime to optimize the production processes of the trees under resources saving. Мethods. The research was carried out at MelitopolResearch Fruit Growing Station named after M.F. Sydorenko Institute of Horticulture NAAS during 2016-2020 in young sweet cherry trees plantations of 2015 planting according to the requirements of "Methodology of conducting field research with fruit crops". Soil humidity was determined in the dynamics according to the thermostat-weighted method. The scheme of the experiment included variants with the appointment of irrigation by the calculation method at 50%, 70%, and 100% compensation of evapotranspiration (ЕТ0) and with maintaining the soil moisture at 70% of the least soil moisture in the soil layer of 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 m. Results. Compensation of evapotranspiration at the level of 75% ЕТ0 causes the maintenance of soil moisture not lower than 67–70% of the least soil moisture in the soil layer of 0.6 m. Deviation of irrigation norms between this variant and under the maintenance of pre-irrigation moisture level at 70% of the least soil moisture in the same soil level do not exceed 6%. A close correlation dependence was established between the actual moisture consumption at pre-irrigation moisture at 70% of the least soil moisture and the calculated evaporation rates at 75% ЕТ0 (r2=0,92). The results showed that in the conditions of southern light loam black soil for 15 hours of irrigation (irrigation rate – 58 m3/ ha) the depth of soil moisture was 0.93 m, diameter – 0.74 m. The moment of the maximum moisture zone formation is a period of 12 hours after watering. Three days after watering there is a significant reduction in all parameters of the moisture circuit in the vertical and horizontal positions. The maximum moisture area was only 9.4% of the feeding area of one tree. Conclusions. The expediency of watering for 75% ЕТ0 is proved in order to increase efficiency and reduce water consumption. This irrigation regime ensures the maintenance of soil moisture in the layer of 0.6 m not lower than 70% of the least soil moisture, and the deviation of irrigation norms relative to pre-irrigation moisture at 70% of the least soil moisture does not exceed 6%. Its use increases the productivity of sweet cherry trees and raises the efficiency of irrigation. The parameters and dynamics of the contour formation of the southern light loam black soil humidification in sweet cherry plantations are substantiated.
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