A powerful factor in increasing the productivity of agro-ecosystems is the activation of microbial-plant interac-tions. Therefore, there is a need to use techniques aimed at increasing the number and activity of agronomically valu-able microorganisms. Goal. Increasing the biological activity of the soil and yield by optimizing the use of modern microbial drugs. Methods. Field stationary experiment and related laboratory studies. Results. The influence of microbial preparations of nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-mobilizing bacteria on biological activity, soil nutrient regime and yield of winter wheat, spring barley and sunflower under differ-ent tillage systems was determined. The use of microbial preparations shows an improvement in the nitrogen regime of the soil, which led to the formation of a slightly higher level of grain yield. The profit from the use of the drug Diazophyte for the treatment of winter wheat seeds amounted to 1068.62-1278.62 UAH / ha, which allows us to recommend it for use in production. Conclusions. To increase the yield of winter wheat and sunflower, use the drug Diazophyte for both deep and shallow tillage, and Microgumin in spring barley – only for shallow. When sowing spring barley, its seeds must be treated with a microbial preparation of nitro-gen-fixing bacteria Microgumin. Its most effective applica-tion with minimized tillage. The use of the microbial prepa-ration of phosphate-mobilizing bacteria Phosphoenterin in the acute arid conditions of spring in the region does not provide a stable positive effect. In sunflower crops, when sowing seeds, it is necessary to treat with the microbial preparation Diazofit under the conditions of deep plowing under it, or shallow tillage. The drug Polymyxobacterin can be used only in the conditions of plowing under sunflower.
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