Influence of cultivation factors on the growth of aboveground biomass by winter rape in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

  • V.V. Gamayunova Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
  • I.M. Garo Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Keywords: winter rape, term and method of sowing, main tillage, plant height, increase of aboveground biomass, dynamics, share of influence


The data of researches on increase of above-ground mass by winter rape of the Champion grade for cultivation of culture on chernozem usual in the conditions of Foreststeppe of Ukraine during 2013-2015 are resulted. The aim of the research was to determine the influence of the method and depth of the main tillage for sowing winter oilseed rape on some of its indicators, in particular on the height of plants and the accumulation of aboveground raw and dry matter. Methods. Commonly used methods, techniques and DSTU were used in the research. The dynamics of growth and development of rapeseed, depending on the studied factors, was determined by three main phases - stalking, budding and flowering of winter rapeseed plants according to the research methodology. Results. It is determined that the largest values of plant height, the amount of accumulated raw and dry aboveground biomass reach the flowering phase on the background of plowing by 25-27 cm for sowing in the usual row method in the first decade of September, 4-7.5 kg / m2 was accumulated by the usual row method of sowing. As the row spacing increased, the yield of green biomass per unit area decreased. Namely, when sowing with a row spacing of 30 cm, it was formed raw less by 20.0-31.8%, and 60 cm to 2.2-5.0 kg / m2 or 33.3-50.0% compared to row sowing method. For sowing at a later date - in the II and III decades of September with a row spacing of 30 and 60 cm and against the background of disking, the increase in plant height and their accumulation of aboveground biomass is less intense. Conclusion. The maximum height of winter rape plants was reached in the flowering phase - 126.4- 135.3 cm with a difference between the options of 8.9 cm in favor of plowing. It is determined that on average over the years of research the formation of aboveground mass by winter rape plants was most influenced by the method of sowing, the share of which was 40.6%, tillage - 29.6%, the sowing period accounted for 22.7%.


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