Directions of effective use of agroecological potential of the Steppe zone of Ukraine and adaptation of technologies of cultivation of grain crops to climate change

  • R.A. Vozhehova Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS
  • A.V. Drobitko Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
  • S.V. Kokovikhin Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS
  • O. O. Pilyarska Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS
  • O. O. Kazanok Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • V. G. Fedorchuk Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Keywords: irrigation, agroecological potential, grain crops, agro-measures, agrometeorological conditions assessment index


Agroecological potential is one of the components of natural resource and economic potential. It is defined as the ability of soils, atmosphere, hydrosphere and bioty of the region to provide certain economic products in specific socio-economic conditions of land use, based on biological productivity, without bringing the system of natural resources to irreversible destruction and sharp deterioration of its dynamic qualities. The aim of the research was to scientifically substantiate the directions of effective use of agroecological potential of the Steppe zone of Ukraine and adaptation of grain growing technologies to climate change. Methods. Field experiments were conducted in accordance with the methodology of research and special methods for establishing agroecological potential. Results. It is determined that the efficiency of realization of high natural-climatic potential of the Steppe zone of Ukraine is limited by the increase of climate aridity. Therefore, the strategic objectives of the agricultural sector of the economy should be aimed at increasing crop productivity, saving energy resources, improving soil fertility, reducing anthropogenic pressure on the environment in order to ensure sustainable use of nature. Conclusions. According to the results of generalization of long-term data it is inserted that the maximum grain yield of maize hybrids of different maturity groups is formed in wet years, and the lowest - in dry, and plants best use the heat potential of southern Ukraine in wet and medium wet years, due to the highest intensity of production processes. Using the obtained regression equations, it is possible to select the most optimal hybrid composition for regional and local agroclimatic conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. According to the results of research, different degrees of variability of meteorological and agronomic indicators have been established. The use of statistical methods allowed to estimate the years of research on the index of favourable agrometeorological conditions and to establish regression equations of plant productivity.


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