Seed productivity and adaptability parameters of pea varieties depending on inoculants and plant protection systems

  • R. A. Vozhehova Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS
  • S. S. Sorokunsky Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS
Keywords: peas, seeds, variety, inoculant, plant protection, yield, adaptability


Goal. The aim is to establish the influence of agrotechnological factors and weather conditions in certain years of research on seed yield and parameters of crop adaptability for cultivation on non-irrigated lands of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, statistical. Results. It was found that the biological protection of the seed productivity of pea varieties decreased by 7.4%, but this option is also 22.3% higher than the control with water treatment. According to the results of mathematical processing of the data obtained in the field experiment, it was determined that the yield of the studied crop is most influenced by plant protection (42.8%) and varietal composition (34.3%). The interaction of factors had a weak effect on this indicator, and the residual value, on the contrary, increased to 9.3%, which indicates a significant impact of weather conditions on plant productivity. Adaptive analysis proved that the stress resistance reached the highest level in the variety Oplot (-0.25), and the genetic flexibility of the maximum value (2.16) was reached during the cultivation of seeds of the variety Tsarevich. Conclusions. In field experiments it was determined that the maximum seed yield is provided by pea varieties Tsarevich (2.19 t/ha) and Darunok Stepu (2.08 t/ha), and in other varieties this indicator decreased by 5.3-28.8%. Inoculation of seeds contributed to an increase in yield by 3.3-6.9%, and the greatest effectiveness of bacterial biologicals was manifested in the variety Tsarevich - up to 30.5%. Chemical protection of plants had the greatest positive effect on the value of seed yield with its growth by 38.2% compared to the control. The homeostatic index increased to 66.7 and 68.8 in the variants with Oplot and Tsarevich varieties. This figure decreased by 39.5- 43.9% (to 47.8) for growing pea seeds of the World variety. The maximum value of the selection value was manifested in the cultivation of seeds of the varieties Tsarevich (1.87) and the Gift of the Steppe (1.78). The variability of pea seed yields was at the average level. The tendency of decrease of variation at varieties Tsarevich (10,4%) and Oplot (14,9%) and, on the contrary, growth of this indicator to 17,3%, in a variant with a grade the Gift of Steppe is defined.


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