Influence of drip irrigation regimes on productivity of grapes for cultivation in the conditions of the South of Ukraine

  • S.G. Vozhegov Institute of Rice of NAAS
  • O.S. Osgchipok Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS
  • S.V. Kokovikhin Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS
  • A.V. Drobitko
  • L.M. Girlya Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
  • A.N. Kerimov
  • O.O. Kazanok Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: grapes, drip irrigation, plant productivity, leaf area, water consumption, yield, variability of performance traits


Goal. To determine the effectiveness of drip irrigation for growing industrial grapes in the South of Ukraine. Methods. The research was conducted in the conditions of the Right Bank Lower Dnieper Zone of Viticulture of Ukraine - on the basis of Agrofirm "Belozersky" (Kherson Region, Belozersky District, Dniprovske village) during 2011-2013. Field experiments were established according to generally accepted research methods. Results. The studied modes of drip irrigation significantly affected the growth processes and biometric indicators. The yield of berries from the grape bush also varied in a wide range depending on the drip irrigation regimes and weather conditions during the years of research. With a favorable meteorological situation in 2011 and 2013, this indicator of productivity of the studied crop in the non-irrigated version was 2.87-2.93 kg/bush. The lowest yield per 1 ha was at the level of 6.6 tons in the non-irrigated version. The use of drip irrigation according to the resource-saving and biologically optimal scheme provided an increase in yield by 16.8-28.3% - up to 7.9- 9.2 t/ha. Conclusions. Under non-irrigated conditions in 2012, the leaf area decreased to 4.95 m2, and in the version with a biologically optimal irrigation regime, its growth was recorded to 11.48 m2. It is proved that evapotranspiration in the control variant reached the highest level of 0.48 mm/ day in the dry year of 2012, and under favorable weather conditions in 2011 and 2013 it decreased to 0.41-0.43 mm/ day. The maximum total water consumption in the range of 2621-2724 m3/ha was formed under the biologically optimal irrigation regime in 2012 and 2013, and the minimum level of this indicator - 1284 m3/ha was manifested under non-irrigated conditions in 2012. The water consumption coefficient tended to decrease to 201 m3/t in non-irrigated control. The maximum yield in the experiment at the level of 9.5 t/ha was obtained under the biologically optimal irrigation regime in 2013. It was found that the maximum impact on the yield of grapes had drip irrigation regimes, as their share was the highest and was 59.8%. Also of great importance were the weather conditions during the years of research - their share is 27.5%. The interaction of the studied factors was 7.5%.


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