Phytosanitary consequences of agroecosystems' anthropogenic transformation

Keywords: ecosystems, agricultural biocenoses, anthropogenic factors, phytosanitary optimization of agroecosystems, self-regulation of entomological complexes, irrigation


Goal. To generalize the current situation regarding the irrational use of the pesticides and to analyze the phytosanitary consequences of agroecosystems’s anthropogenic transformation; assess the problems of protection in agriculture as a factor influencing the environment. Results. The article summarizes information about the dynamic processes occurring in ecosystems of different types, including agricultural ecosystems, which indicates the transformation of their structural and functional organization under the influence of enhanced anthropogenic factors. Scientific substantiation of new methodological and methodical approaches to limiting the number and harmfulness of dangerous species of biotrophs and prevention of negative environmental consequences has been carried out. The strategic bases of application of chemical plant protection products are analyzed, which in turn should be focused on the maximum use of selectively acting drugs and technologies, timeliness of measures, economic and environmental feasibility. The main aspects of ensuring consistently high yields by taking into account the protective and compensatory reactions to the influence of biotic and abiotic factors. The conditions, features, and general regularities of consistent complication of phytosanitary situation and responses of entomologic fauna to modern technologies of land use and plant protection are revealed. It is shown that the increasing use of chemicals entails a decrease in their effectiveness due to the formation of resistance to them in populations of pests and pathogens of crops. The main the strategy and tactics of crop conservation are: operational monitoring, streamlining of agricultural machinery, regulation of the chemical method, the predominant use of biological agents, and the activation of the mechanism of natural self-regulation. Conclusions. The basic principles of development of systems of protection of agricultural plants against pests are based on the necessity of knowledge of the genetic structure of populations, migration processes (dynamics), acclimatization, behavioral reactions, conditions of reproduction, the ratio of sexes, and trophic communications of both harmful and useful species of insects are stated.


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