A transparent approach to the formation of the cost of water supply services – one of the directions of implementation of the Strategy of Irrigation and Drainage in Ukraine for the period up to 2030

Keywords: strategy, irrigation, cost of services, technological map, irrigation area, economic effect


Goal: To identify the ways of a transparent approachto the formation of the cost of water supply services, whichis one of the directions of implementation of the Strategyof Irrigation and Drainage in Ukraine for the period upto 2030$ to perform forecast calculations of the costof water supply services for different financing optionsand areas of irrigated land. Methods: systemio approachand system atic data analysis, generalization, comparisonand feedback. Results. In order to achieve transparency(to meet the objectives of the Strategy of Irrigationand Drainage up to 2030), the process of forming the costof water supply services for irrigation is proposed to beginwith the formation of a technological map of water supplyservices for irrigation, ie the entire annual productionprocess of water management organization (or organization of water users), which should clearly and transparentlyreflect all production processes that occur during the annualcycle of operation of the water management organizationand the associated costs. The above-mentionedtechnological map of water supply services for irrigationshould become a public document, which the watermanagement organization providing services must offerat the request of water users (or post on its official website).This will ensure the transparency of the tariff formationsystem in the practice of providing water supply services forirrigation and will eliminate the exclusion of water users fromthe formation of the above mentioned tariffs. Conclusions.The calculations show that with the restoration of the projectarea of irrigation and maintaining budget funding at the levelof recent years, the estimated economic effect will be UAH948,02 per 1 ha, or UAH 56,881,200 for the entire Inguletsirrigated area. In the case of the transition of irrigationto full self-financing, according to the calculations,there will be an increase in the costs by UAH 63,84 per1 hectare, or UAH 3,830,400 for the entire array. Underthe same conditions, but with a decrease in energyconsumption and unproductive water losses (by 5,0%)there will be a decrease in the cost of water supply servicesand the estimated economic effect will be 89,38 UAHper 1 ha or 5362 800 UAH for the entire array. That is,with the restoration of the project area of irrigated landand the transfer of irrigation to self-financing (as providedby the Strategy of Irrigation and Drainage in Ukraine upto 2030) the cost of water supply services according tothe calculations will increase compared to the current one,therer fore the measures envisaged by the Strategy shouldbe implemented only in combination with the measures toreduce energy consumption and unproductive water losses.At the same time, in order to achieve a transparent systemof forming the cost of water supply services, technologicalmaps of water supply services should be used.


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