Regimes of drip irrigation of grape nursery in the conditions of the south of Ukraine

Keywords: grape, grafts, LPSM, planting scheme, irrigation rate, irrigated rate


The article presents the results of research on the development and justification of drip irrigation regimes of grape seedlings in the south of Ukraine. It has been proved that their formation was influenced by the level of pre-irrigation soil moisture (LPSM), the scheme of planting grafts in the nursery and precipitation. The purpose of the research is to develop and determine the optimal regimes of drip irrigation of grape seedlings, depending on the LPSM and schemes of planting grafts in the nursery. Methods. During the work, field, laboratory and calculation-comparative methods were used, as well as methods and methodical recommendations generally accepted in viticulture and grape nursery. Results. According to the scheme of researches grape grafts were planted in a nursery by a tape with one and two rows, in each tape mounted one or two drip tapes. Pre-irrigation soil moisture at the grape nursery was maintained at different levels – 100–90% of field capacity (FC), 100–80% FC, 100–90–80% FC and 100–80–70% FC. To maintain such soil moisture it was necessary to provide 15–16 irrigations with an irrigated rate of 826.3 m3/ha (100–90% FC), 9–10 irrigations with an irrigated rate of 841.0 (planting grafts in the nursery in two rows) and 875.6 (planting grafts in the nursery in one row) m3/ha (100–80% FC), 5–6 irrigations with an irrigated rate of 555.0 (planting grafts in the nursery in two rows) and 653.0 (planting grafts in the nursery in one row) m3/ha (100–80–70% FC). It was determined that from May to the first decade of August and from the second decade of August until September it is advisable to moisten 0–40 cm and 0–60 cm soil layers, respectively. According to this, irrigation rates were changed: 42 m3/ha and 64 m3/ha to maintain LPSM within 100–90% FC, 83 m3/ha and 128 m3/ha to maintain LPSM within 100–80% FC, 42 m3/ha and 128 m3/ha to maintain differential LPSM within 100–90–80% FC and 83 m3/ha and 191 m3/ha to maintain differentiated LPSM within 100–80–70% FC. These regimes of drip irrigation have passed production testing in the SE «EF» Tairovske». Findings. The results of research indicate that for irrigation of grape seedlings on the south of Ukraine it is advisable to use drip irrigation. According to biometric parameters of growth, development of vegetative mass, root system of grafted grape seedlings, their yield from the nursery and from the economic point of view, nurseries and nursery practitioners are recommended to apply differentiated drip irrigation regimes of grape nursery – 100–90–80% FC and 100–80% FC (optionally). Their maintenance is ensured by provided (on average) 10 irrigations with an irrigated rate of 665.0 m3/ha (100–90–80% FC) and 9 irrigations with an irrigated rate of 841.0 m3/ha (100–80% FC). In this case, grape grafts in the nursery should be planted with tape in two rows with mounted of one drop tape.


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