Influence of basic soil cultivation on the density and nutritional regime of soil during winter rape cultivation
Purpose. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of the method and depth of basic soil cultivation under winter rape sowing on its individual indicators, in particular on the density and content of moving compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus. Methods. The research was carried out on the black earth of the usual medium-clay in conditions of the forest steppe of Ukraine for 2012-2015 years. with winter rape varieties Champion of Ukraine. When conducting research, generally accepted methods, techniques and DSTU were used. The influence on the basic soil cultivation – ploughing by 25-27 cm and disking by 12-14 cm on the density of soil composition, its nutritional regime: the content of moving compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus in the cultivation of winter rape Champion of Ukraine and their seasonal changes during the vegetation of the culture were investigated. Results. According to the results of the researches it is established that the methods taken for the study and depth of the main cultivation of rape rape have the greatest impact on such an indicator as the density of soil composition. It was determined that by 0.12 – 0.13 g/cm3 during the growing season, the density of the soil was 12-14 cm in comparison with ploughing by 25-27 cm. The content of moving forms of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil layers 0-30, 30-50 and 0-50 cm methods of processing it both at the beginning and at the end of the vegetation of winter rapeseed plants did not affect much. The largest number of moving nutrients is determined for the spring period with a significant decrease in their content before the flowering phase. The method and depth of soil cultivation had some impact on the layered placement of nitrates, although in the soil layer 0-50 cm on average over the years of research, their content practically did not differ and had only a tendency of preference for ploughing by 20-25 cm. Much more than layers of soil differed in the content of moving phosphorus. For surface tillage – 12-14 cm disking compared to ploughing more Р2О5 was contained in a layer of 0-30 cm. For ploughing the same in the horseshoe 30-50 cm horizon of this element was determined 29.0, and on the background of disking – 18.2 mg/kg of soil. In the calculated 0-50 cm layer of soil, the amount of moving phosphorus was almost the same – 29.0 (disking) and 31.5 mg/kg of soil (per ploughing). In seasonal dynamics, the content of moving nutrients, regardless of the method and depth of soil cultivation, decreased, and the density of folding, on the contrary, increased. Conclusions. Studies have established that the method and depth of basic cultivation of the soil for winter rape, namely ploughing by 25-27 cm and disking by 12-14 cm, to some extent, affected the density of the soil and less the content of moving compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus with little advantage as a basic tillage of tillage.
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