• L.M. GRANOVSKA Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • A.S. MALIARCHUK Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • D.O. BULIGIN Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: : crop rotation, method, system, tillage, humus, corn, sorghum, soy, wheat winter


From the limited use of organic fertilizers in the mod-ern systems of agriculture the important source of receipt of organic matters in soil are the yellowed bits and pieces of agricultural cultures. In the article results over of exper-imental research are brought on the ground of optimal parameters of methods and depth of basic tillage of liv-ery soil under agricultural cultures at the different systems of basic tillage and organic and оrganic and mineral sys-tems of fertilizer in the cultivated crop rotation on irriga-tion. Purpose is determination of the humus state, nour-ishing mode of soil and productivity of agricultural cultures at the different doses of bringing of mineral fertilizers on a background a sealing-off in soil of листостебельной and root mass of plants by instruments with the differ-ent construction of working organs. Methods: the field, in-gravimetric, visual, laboratory, calculation-compara-tive and mathematically-statistical methods with the use of confessedly in Ukraine methods and methodical rec-ommendations. Researches were conducted in stationary experience of department of the irrigated agriculture of IIA NAAS of Ukraine during 2010–2018 in the area of action of Ingulets irrigatory system. Results. The cal-culation of the humus input to the soil from the planted crop residues for various systems of the main process-ing and the doses of mineral fertilizers indicates that a negative humus balance is lizer of the yellowed bits and pieces of corn on grain, soy, wheat winter, sorghum and bringing of mineral fertilizers the dose of N120P60 on a background the different depth system of basic tillage with the turn of layer and differen-tiated – 1 with one subsoiling for a rotary press, that cre-ates the favourable nourishing and aquatic modes of soil and assists forming of the productivity of crop rotation at the level of 8,17–8,43 t/ha of grain.formed against all the main processing systems against an unfertilized background. Conclusions. Application of the organic and mineral system of fertilizer is expedient with the use on the ferti-


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