Energy efficiency of using Thladiantha Dubia as a rootstock while growing Kozima F1 cucumber in hydroponic dome greenhouses

  • M.M. Kovalov
Keywords: flow hydroponics, cucumber hybrid F1 Kozima, Thladiantha dubia, dome film greenhouse, substrates, resource-saving technology


The priority trend at present stage of vegeculturedevelopment is to obtain high-quality, environmentallyfriendly products in combination with the developmentand implementation of new agronomic methodsof cultivation. Moreover, promising methods arethose that can significantly expand the range of cropsgrown, the ultimate goal of which is to diversify the dietof the population. Currently, the search for new highlyefficient and environmentally friendly technologies forgrowing vegetable plants is promising, and biologicalmethods of influencing the plant organism becomeincreasingly important. One of such methods is the useof rootstock. Purpose. The objective of the experiment isto identify the energy efficiency of growing cucumbers onthe rootstock of Thladiantha dubia by hydroponic methodin dome greenhouses. Methods. The experiments were performed in geo-dome film greenhouses in the winterspringcrop rotation. Results. According to the resultsof the research in the conditions of geo-domed filmgreenhouses, the possibility of using Thladiantha dubia asa rootstock in the cultivation of cucumber hybrid on differenttypes of substrates using flowing hydroponic systems hasbeen substantiated. As a result of research it is establishedthat without the use of rootstocks the best economicindicators are recorded when using EM compost and coconutfibre as a substrate. The profit was 380,3 UAH/m2,the profitability level was 238,2%; the cost of productionwas 59,1 UAH/kg and the productivity was 2,7 kg/m2.With the use of rootstocks, the best economic indicatorswere the following: profit – 433,7 UAH/m2; the levelof profitability – 260,8%; production costs – 55,4 UAH/kgand the productivity of 3,0 kg/m2 was obtained when usingagroperlite as a substrate. Growing on other substratesled to a decrease in productivity and economic efficiencyof production. According to the yield from 1 ha in the variantswithout the use of rootstocks in all respects, the best optionis the substrates of EM compost and coconut fibre, and theirenergy efficiency ratio is 2.88, and energy ratio is 1,95.These ratios are slightly higher with the use of rootstockand agroperlite substrate. They are 3,13 and 2,12,respectively. Conclusions. The maximum total productivityof cucumbers, during the study period, was 16,3 kg/m2. It wasobtained from plants grown on a substrate of agroperlite usingthe rootstock Thlandiatha dubia, which exceeded the controlof 13,5 kg/m2 by 18,2%. On average, over the yearsof research the productivity of cucumber hybrid KozimaF1 had a significant effect on the composition of the substrateand the use of rootstock Thlandiatha dubia, becausethe climate parameters were the same for all variants.


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