Analysis of economic efficiency of biopreparations application at growing of spring barley cultivars

Keywords: yield capacity of grain, estimated proceeds, production charges, cost of production, net profit, profitability level


The purpose of scientific research was to evaluatethe grain productivity of spring barley cultivars Soviraand Ilot under the influence of pre-sowing inoculationof seeds with microbial phosphate-mobilizing preparationsalbobakteryn, polimiksobakteryn in the South of Ukraine,and to conduct a comparative analysis of economicefficiency of the studied technological measures. Methods.Investigation of agrotechniques elements of spring barleywas performed in 2016–2018 according to the generallyrecognized methods. The scheme of two-factor experimentincluded cultivars Sovira, Ilot and three gradations of presowinginoculation of seeds with biological preparations:without inoculation (control), processing with albobakterynand polimiksobakteryn. Calculations of economic efficiencyindicators were conducted to evaluate the variantsof the experiment and to substantiate the preferenceof agrotechnical measures. Results. Estimated proceedsvaried in the range from 16 620 to 20 280 UAH/ha, productioncharges – from 14 719 to 16 112 UAH/ha. The cost of productionof spring barley changed depending on the interactionof the studied parameters of technological measures from4 767 to 5 314 UAH/t, net profit – from 1 901 to 4 168 UAH/ha,the level of profitability – from 12,9 to 25,9%. The economicindicators of spring barley cultivation varied in the experimentdepending on the interaction of the investigated elementsof the technology and the related additional costs and yieldchanges. Conclusions. Ilot variety and processing of seedswith a biological preparation polimiksobakteryn are effectivefrom the economic point of view elements of the sowingmodule of spring barley. Production charges were the highestin the experiment, due to additional costs for the purchaseof microbial preparation and inoculation of seeds, as well asharvesting and finishing the greatest grain yield, but its valuein monetary terms compensated the investment and ensuredtheir rational use. In this option, cost of production was the minimal in the experiment (4 767 UAH/t), net profit reachedthe maximum value (4 168 UAH/ha), the level of profitabilitywas the highest (25,9%).


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