Green plantations as a way to reduce thermal stress in cattle in conditions of climate change

Keywords: livestock, climate, thermal stress, temperature index and moisture, humidity, productivity of animals, climatic risks


The problems of climate change that are directly relatedto the production of livestock products are highlighted.Purpose – to investigate how weather and climaticconditions affect the correct choice of technologyfor breeding and keeping animals, organizationand improvement of livestock farms and premises.temperature and humidity. This combination has a negativeeffect on the reproductive capacity of cows, pregnancyand functional status of newborn young. Methods.And what potential environmental stressors (ambienttemperature, humidity, thermal radiation, wind speed) candirectly affect the functioning of the animal and its health,the realization of genetic potential. Cattle are characterizedas comfortable, there is an increase in the number of dayswith an average level of heat stress. The animal’s bodycan not be imagined outside the environment and withoutinteraction with it. Seasonal fluctuations in milk yield and milkquality occur due to the influence of direct and indirectenvironmental factors. The direct effect is mainly related to the effect of high temperatures on the productivityof cows, and not direct – with the negative effects of heatstress. Results. Studies suggest that lowering the airtemperature in livestock enterprises by increasing the areaof greenery is an effective way to prevent heat stress inanimals. Conclusions. Cooling has a positive effect onproductivity and reproduction cows. As a result, there isan improvement in indicators: the average annual hopesincrease; feed conversion is improved; fat and proteincontent increases; the number of somatic cells in milkdecreases; fertility increases; calf mortality decreases.


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