Influence of seed treater concentration on the development of winter wheat seedlings

Keywords: pre-sowing seed treatment, root length, seedling length, seeding vigor


Purpose of the research was to determine the effectiveness of Cantaris preparation depending on the rate of its application on growth and development of seedlings and sowing quality of winter wheat seeds. Methods. Studies with winter wheat seeds of Shestopalivka variety were carried out in the laboratory for monitoring the quality of soils and crop produce of Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University. The day before carrying out the experiment, the seeds were treated using incrustation method by contact-systemic fungicidal insecticide Cantaris in the following doses: 0,4, 0,6, 0,8, 1,0, 1,2 l/t. Control – treatment with water. Seeds of winter wheat were germinated according to DSTU 4138-2002. Seed germination energy and laboratory germination were determined as a percentage, and the length of roots and shoots was measured using a conventional centimeter scale. The dry mass of seedlings and roots was determined by thermostatic-weighting method. According to the obtained indices, seeding vigor was calculated. Accounting and monitoring of seedling development was performed at stages BBCH 07–11. Data waw processed statistically using Microsoft Excel software. Results. When studying different rates of Cantaris treater for pre-sowing seed treatment (from 0,4 to 1,2 l/t), different nature of the impact on the processes of germination of winter wheat seeds was noted. It was proved that in the initial phases of development (BBCH 07) there was a stimulation of growth processes at the rates of treater use of 0,4 and 0,6 l/t, which is confirmed by the germination energy of these variants at 99% and increase in the dry weight of seedlings and roots. The positive effect and the highest laboratory germination of winter wheat seeds at the level of 96 and 91,3% were established at the rates of treater use of 0,6 and 0,8 l/t. This growth is confirmed by the stable values of the seedling vigor index SVI and SVII at the stages of development BBCH 09–11. At the same time, with the increase of treater application rate to 1,0–1,2 l/t, the growth of seedlings was inhibited. These concentrations had a negative effect on laboratory germination, which decreased relative to control by 22% (abs.) and 11.0% (abs.), amounting to 66,0% and 77,3%, respectively. Conclusions. The use of Cantaris preparation for presowing treatment of winter wheat seeds in starting doses of 0,4 and 0,6 l/t at the stage of plant development BBCH 07 had a growth-stimulating effect. The increase in the rate of treater use in the range of 0,6–0,8 l/t had a positive effect on the development of winter wheat seedlings during the stages of development BBCH 07–11 and its sowing quality. A significant decrease in plant vigor, accumulation of dry mass and decrease in laboratory germination occurs when increasing Cantaris concentration in the tank mixture to 1,0 and 1,2 l/t, which may adversely affect the field germination of winter wheat seeds.


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