Comparative characteristics of productivity of spring wheat varieties in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine

Keywords: spring wheat, grain yield, protein content, gluten, SGG, conditionally net income, profitability, net cost


Purpose. To investigate, analyze and compare new varieties of soft and hard spring wheat of different ecological and geographical origin in terms of productive potential and economically valuable traits for growing in the Northern Steppe. Methods. The researches were conducted at the Institute of Agriculture of NAAS during 2016–2018. The peculiarities of growth, plant development and formation of productivity of modern varieties of spring durum and soft wheat were studied and their reaction to growing conditions was revealed. The technology of growing spring wheat is common for the Steppe zone. Field researches on testing varieties of spring wheat were performed in accordance with generally accepted methods. Results. As a result of the performed researches the level of realization of genetic productivity potential of varieties of spring durum and soft wheat is defined, qualitative indicators are established and defined the most productive varieties which are recommended for cultivation in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine. The economic efficiency of growing spring soft and durum wheat depended on the production costs and the level of productivity of the studied varieties with intensive technology, which included the introduction of N30P30K30 and an integrated crop protection system. Conclusions. In the conditions of unstable humidification of the Northern Steppe, the varieties of spring soft wheat formed a crop yield of 4,46 t/ha, hard – 3,82 t/ha. The maximum crop yield of new varieties of spring soft wheat reached 5,85–6,20 t/ha, durum wheat – 5,35–5,70 t/ha. The variation in crop yield of spring soft wheat varieties was V = 20,3–32,4%, durum wheat – 21,3–40,1%. The most productive varieties in the Steppe were spring soft wheat Oksamyt Myronivs’kyi and Struna Myronivs’ka, spring durum wheat – Izol’da, Zhizel’ and Magdalena. Higher protein content was provided by the varieties of spring soft wheat Siuita, Oksamyt Myronivs’kyi, Struna Myronivs’ka, Elegiyia Myronivs’ka (11,0–11,3%), hard – Chado, Magdalena (10,9–11,3%), gluten – 22,1– 23,2% (Oksamyt Myronivs’kyi, Simkoda Myronivs’ka) and 23,2–23,6% (Izol’da, Naschadok). Higher conditional net profit and profitability of cultivation were provided by the varieties of spring soft wheat Oksamyt Myronivs’kyi and Struna Myronivs’ka, spring durum wheat – Izol’da, Zhizel’ and Magdalena.


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