Application of biologics in potato nutrition in conditions of the South of Ukraine on drip irrigation

Keywords: potato varieties, optimization of plant nutrition, drip irrigation, mineral fertilizers, biologics, bulb yield


Purpose. Investigate the possibility of using reduced doses of mineral fertilizers due to the local method of their application and when shared with modern biologics in growing summer-planting potato varieties on drip irrigation in the South of Ukraine. Methods. The study was carried out with zoned potato varieties at the Educational and Scientific Practical Center of Nikolaev NAU during 2012–2014. and 2016–2018. Weather conditions during the research years varied somewhat, however, in general they were characteristic of the zone of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. The predecessor is black steam. In the third decade of June, cultivation was carried out and the ridges were cut into a combined unit with disk loops. Freshly harvested treated bulbs were planted in the ridge, the feeding area was 70 x 15–20 cm. In the soil layer 0–20 cm before sprouts appeared on the bubbles, humidity was maintained at 70–75% HV, and in the subsequent vegetation period – 80–85% HV using drip irrigation. The study was carried out with zoned potato varieties according to the accepted schemes. The repetition of experiments is 4-time, the area of the sown area is 90 m2, the accounting area is 50 m2. Mineral fertilizers were introduced in the form of nitro-amophosa, ammonium nitrate (33% N), granulated superphosphate and a number of biologics were used to make up. Given the high cost of mineral fertilizers and the pattern of planting potatoes, in one of the experiments they were introduced locally in the ridge. Results. Studies have found that the effect of local application of fertilizers on the physiological processes of plants and the productivity of bulbs of all varieties of potatoes, which is taken for study, was practically similar compared to the use of twice their dose. The use of biologics to feed potato plants on the background of mineral fertilizers on average for all the years of cultivation and for the studied varieties contributed to an increase in the yield of bulbs compared not only with the control variant, but also with respect to fertilizer backgrounds. Increases from this event reached 15,6%. Findings. The results of the studies determined that in order to optimize nutrition, the yield of bulbs grows during all the years of cultivation and in terms of varieties taken for study. It increases as much as possible when using mineral fertilizers with modern adjustment substances or biologics, which include trace elements.


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