The productivity of chickpeas depending on the elements of technology in the conditions of the south of Ukraine

Keywords: chickpeas, seeds, herbicide, herbicide application time, yield, profitability


Purpose. To establish the processes of forming the yield and sowing qualities of chickpea seeds depending on the use of herbicides at different periods of their application in the conditions of the south of Ukraine. Methods. The studies were carried out during 2018–2020 on the experimental field of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS, which is located in the southern steppe zone of Ukraine. The following methods were used: field, visual, measuring and weighing, laboratory, mathematical and statistical, computational and comparative. Results. According to factor A (herbicide), the maximum average indicator of the total water consumption of chickpea crops – 3 455 m3/ha was set for Control 1 options (without herbicides). For factor B (time of herbicide application), the maximum average value of the indicator was established when using herbicidal preparations before sowing chickpeas. When using herbicides, the lowest water consumption coefficient – 2 058 m3/t was established in the experimental variants where the drug Merlin was used – 0.13 l/ha after sowing the crop. The formation of a high average yield of chickpea seeds, with the use of herbicides (factor A) – 1.58 t/ha, was facilitated by the use of the drug Merlin – 0.13 t/ha. According to factor B (time of herbicide application), the maximum average yield – 0.6 t/ha was obtained with the use of herbicidal preparations after sowing chickpeas. Conclusions. The maximum average indicator of total water consumption when using herbicides – 3 424 m3/ha was established on the experimental variants where Imi Vit was used – 1.0 l/ha before sowing the crop. The minimum coefficient of water consumption – 2 058 m3/t was established on the variants of the experiment, where the drug Merlin was used – 0.13 l/ha after sowing the crop. Under the influence of preparations of herbicidal action, the maximum average yield of seeds – 1.62 t/ha, the crop sowing was formed when using the drug Merlin – 0.13 l/ha after sowing the crop.


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