Productivity of winter wheat with minimized tillage and organo-mineral fertilizer systems on irrigated lands

  • R.A. Vozhegova Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • M.P Malyarchuk Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • D.I. Kotelnikov Yukos & K Farm
  • I.T. Netis
  • K.S. Hrybyniuk Askanian State Agricultural Research Station of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: winter wheat, weeds, basic tillage, fertilizers, available nitrogen, mobile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, productivity


The article presents the results of research on weed indicators of the content of basic nutrients and productivity of winter wheat depending on different methods and depth of basic tillage and fertilization of crops in crop rotation in irrigated conditions in Southern Ukraine. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of basic tillage and various fertilization systems on the content of available nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and metabolic potassium and weediness of winter wheat crops and the subsequent impact on productivity. During the experiment, field, quantitative-weight, visual, laboratory, calculation-comparative, mathematicalstatistical methods and generally accepted in Ukraine methods and methodical recommendations were used. The research was conducted during 2009–2016 in the research fields of the Askaniya DSDS IZZ NAAS of Ukraine. Studies allow us to confirm the lowest level of weeding observed during disk tillage by 12–14 cm in the system of differentiated tillage (control) 10.8 pcs/ m2. The use of chisel loosening by 23–25 cm in the system of different depth tillage increased the weed to 23.8 pieces/m2, i.e. 2.2 times compared to the control. The greatest crop clogging was observed for disk tillage by 12–14 cm in the system of shallow single-depth loosening of 34.0 pcs/m2 and zero tillage of 27.9 pcs/m2, i.e. 3.14 and 2.6 times more compared to the control. However, the same level of yield for disk cultivation by 12–14 cm in the system of differentiated and shallow single-depth cultivation and chisel by 23–25 cm in the system of different-depth shelfless loosening of 6.38 and 6.50 t/ha. The lowest level of yield in the experiment was observed at zero tillage of 5.55 t/ha, which is less by 0.94 t/ha or 16.9% compared to the control. Increasing the dose of fertilizers to 105 kg/ ha d.r. on average per 1 ha of crop rotation area did not significantly affect the yield, but a further increase in dose to N120P40 formed the maximum productivity in the experiment on average by factor B, which is more by 0.71 t/ha or 11.9% compared to control.


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