Growth, development and productivity of summer seed potatoes in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

  • R.A. Vozhehova Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • Н.S. Balashova Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • L.V. Boіarkina Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • G.I. Sakhatsky State Higher Education Institution «Pryazovskyi State Technical University»
Keywords: dynamics of the emergence, seed potatoes, drip irrigation, tuber yield formation, summer plantings, potato fertilization


The purpose of the article – to present the resultsof research on the cultivation of seed potatoes in summerplantings using freshly picked tubers using drip irrigation.Materials and methods. The research was conductedin the fields of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture NAASon dark‑chestnut soil under irrigation conditions during2011–2013. The first irrigation regime provided formaintaining soil moisture in the period from planting tobudding at least 70% LMC; during budding – the endof flowering – 80% LMC. The second irrigation regimeprovided for maintaining soil moisture of at least 80%LMC throughout the growing season. Mineral fertilizerswere applied locally to the ridge directly during potatoplanting in doses N60P60K60, N90P90K90 and N120P120K120. Fertilizers with irrigation water were applied inthe period from germination to budding in dosesN60P60K60, N90P90K90 and N120P120K120. Freshly pickedtubers (SE) from spring planting of the early-maturingKobza variety were treated 4-component solutionof stimulants to interrupt the dormant period and plantedin the field in the first decade of July. Researchresults. In all variants of fertilizer while maintaining soilmoisture 70–80%, the yield of tubers was lower thanat 80% HB. The smallest (0.66 t/ha, or 3.7%) and largest(2.1 t/ha, or 11.2%) difference between the indicatorswas found for local application of mineral fertilizersin doses of N90P90K90 and N120P120K120 respectively.Conclusion. Increasing the fertilizer dose to N120P120K120,when applied retail with irrigation water, does notcontribute to an increase the yield of tubers. Providedthat the soil moisture is maintained at 70–80% HBand N90P90K90 and N120P120K120 are applied, the indicatorsremain at the same level of 17.9 and 17.91 respectively,and at 80% HB and N120P120K120 the yield is lower by 0.77 t/hathan in the N90P90K90 variant.


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