Biometric indicators of winter wheat plants of different breeding centers in the Eastern part of the Northern Steppe

  • H.A. Chuhrii Luhansk National Agrarian University
  • R.S. Vyskub Luhansk National Agrarian University
  • A.A. Vinyukov Donetsk State Agricultural Research Station of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: soft winter wheat, ecological plasticity, depth of tillering node, plant height, ear length, amount of grain in an ear, weight of grain in an ear, weight of 1000 grains, yield


The purpose of research. The aim of the study is to study the varieties of various breeding centers in order to identify the most productive and most adaptable for the conditions of the Donetsk region. Research methodology. The research was carried out in the field crop rotation of the State Enterprise “Zaboyshchik”, p. Spill, Velikonovoselkovsky district of Donetsk region. The characteristics of the varieties were carried out according to the methodology of the VIR im. N. I Vavilov, the adaptability of varieties was studied according to the method of Eberhar and Russell, the statistical analysis was carried out according to the method of Dospekhov B. A. Wheat varieties were compared with the standard – Donetsk-48. Results. The article presents the results of ecological determination of 30 varieties of soft winter wheat in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine during 2018–2020. The relevance of these studies is dictated by the fact that the majority of soft wheat varieties registered in the State Register of Plant Varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine, zoned for the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Wheat varieties were studied in two periods of its development - juvenile and adult. The assessment of varietal material was carried out according to the parameters of the plant height by the wintering period, the depth of the tillering node, the coefficient of tillering formed before wintering, the number of nodal roots formed in the autumn growing season, the coefficient of total tillering, the coefficient of productive tillering, the ratio of productive tillering to the total, ripe height plants, ear length, number of grains in an ear, weight of grains in an ear, weight of 1000 grains, yield and ecological plasticity of the variety in terms of yield in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine. The criterion for the reliability of the results obtained is the indicator of the least significant difference at the 95% level of reliability (NIR0,5). It has been proven that varieties with the best biometric indicators of economically valuable traits: Kraplina variety, Contana variety, Olekseevka variety, Boginya variety. Findings. It is proved that high ecological plasticity of yield in the conditions of the Northern Steppe of Ukraine is noted in the varieties Divo Donetskoe, Zhuravka, Patriotka, Harmonya, Peremoga, Yuzovskaya, Olekseevka, Boginya.


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