Soil science in the service of agriculture

  • F.P. Topolnyi Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • M.M. Kovalov Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • V.P. Reznichenko Central Ukrainian National Technical University
Keywords: scientific bases, soil compaction, agrochemical certification and land monitoring, yield, agricultural management systems


Purpose. The work is devoted to the analysis of scientific bases of tillage technologies in the conditions of progressive deterioration of agrophysical qualities of soils of Ukraine. The importance of the topic is associated with persistent trends of deterioration of field crops due to soil degradation and loss of its ability to self-regulation and selfrestorability. Results. More than 70% of arable land in Ukraine is represented by chernozems. In the imagination of many people, including experts in the field of agriculture, there is an idea of high or even extremely high fertility of our chernozem-type soils. The analysis of soil fertility in Ukraine, which is mainly represented by chernozems, raises a number of questions that require explanation. The main among them is the totally low level of yield of field crops in comparison with the countries of Western Europe. This situation is significantly aggravated by the technological and agrochemical lag that has accompanied and continues to accompany our agricultural sector over the past two centuries. For a long time, our agronomic service took into account only three chemical elements in fertilizer system – nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, while our closest neighbours massively took into account the balance of calcium, magnesium and sulfur in the soil. And Dutch agrochemists carry out the fertilizer system taking into account the needs of 17 nutrients. In addition, a rather difficult situation is aggravated by the use of heavy tillage equipment, which has led to a steady and progressive soil compaction. The presence of this phenomenon indicates deterioration in the agro-ecological properties of soils and, above all, their water-physical parameters. Conclusions. First of all, it is necessary to develop a unified and scientifically sound system for monitoring soils of Ukraine and approve it at the legislative level. Conduct large-scale research to determine the level of soil compaction within agroecosystems. Forcibly introduce zero and belt-type tillage technologies in agricultural formations of Ukraine.


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