Prediction of alkalinization processes in soils under drip irrigation for perennial plantations

  • S.V. Riabkov Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • L.G. Usata Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • N.O. Didenko Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.M. Novachok National University of Water Management and Environmental Sciences
Keywords: southern chernozem, forecast model, mineral fertilizer, drip irrigation, soil absorption complex, apple tree


Purpose. To evaluate forecasting methods and processes of soil alkalinization with different granulometric structures, which have been irrigated by drip irrigation in southern Ukraine for 20 years. Methods. Analytical, field, and laboratory experiments, systems analysis, and methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The manuscript systematizes the results obtained during many years of personal observations on changes in the soil absorption complex (SAC) and alkalinization soil processes of southern chernozem, dark chestnut, sod, and meadow-chernozem soils with different soil structure under drip irrigation. The experiment was established in 2009 on perennial fruit crops. Fertilizers (organo-mineral (Rost-concentrate), mineral (N120P30-90K75-120), and organic (Gumoplant)) were applied with drip irrigation of different water quality, and soil field moisture capacity was in the range of 75-90%, depending on the soil structure. Predictive models of soil behavior according to the scenario have been developed when the drip irrigation regimes, soil fertilization systems, and irrigation water quality remain constant. Changes in the SAC of the soils are characterized, and prognostic models up to 8 years have been developed for them. On the example of southern heavy loam chernozem, which was irrigated of the partially suitable water for irrigation, the forecasting results as a holistic system depending on different scenarios of anthropogenic load – irrigation norms, fertilization systems is presented in more detail. Through spatial modeling, the distribution of alkalinization soils in time and space is constructed, which can be further used to create a conceptual model for determining the danger of these processes in the soilplant system. Findings. It was established that under the influence of different quality water and fertilizers in locally moist soils, alkalinizetion processes developed differentiated. In quantitative terms, soil capacity changed slowly during the forecast period, especially in heavy loam soils. Changes in sandy and medium loam soils were almost imperceptible.


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