The current ecological situation in the Kherson region and possible ways to solve problems

  • E.S. Podakov Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • M.V. Kozychar Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • O.O. Kazanok Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • G.V. Karashchuk Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: ecological situation, socio-economic consequences, ecological safety, water use, resources, ecological policy


Purpose. The article clarifies the essence and causes of environmental issues in the Kherson region, the relationship between economic and environmental crises. The social consequences of the ecological crisis, its impact on natural resources and the environment of the Kherson region, possible ways to solve problematic environmental issues are studied. Methods. The last 20 years have proved to be the most difficult, as in the conditions of changing the socio-economic system in the country the mechanisms of irrigation, vertical drainage, water treatment, capture of gas and dust fractions, waste disposal, etc. have been violated and in some cases destroyed. There was the destruction of dozens of agrochemicals, the accumulation of illiquid pesticides. Changes in the environment did not delay the impact on the health of the population, which affected the increase in mortality, declining birth rates, migration of productive forces outside the Kherson region. Results. The problems of providing the population with drinking water, which are significantly exacerbated in the region, are analyzed. Moreover, the tendency to increase groundwater intake has shifted again in the direction of growth. Therefore, in the future it will need to be solved by finding and building water purification systems. In modern conditions, no less important in the area of irrigated agriculture in the south of the region was the problem of secondary salinization of soils due to non-compliance with irrigation technology, its selective use and termination of vertical drainage, accompanied by accumulation of toxic magnesium salts. Addressing these issues requires significant capital investment for the reconstruction of existing main and distribution canals, installation of water mains under irrigation systems, restoration of vertical drainage systems, introduction of economic irrigation systems, especially drip irrigation. Despite the large number of recommendations, decisions, appeals, this issue has reached a stalemate, a way out of which is possible only with the formation of a long-term strategy for water use in Southern Ukraine, adjustment of already adopted programs and their financial support. In an unstable economy, its solution in the near future is problematic. Findings. Given the importance for the economy of the Kherson region of the development of recreational and sanatorium-resort sphere, the issue of treatment of used municipal waters is no less important. Total discharges of polluted water have stabilized in recent years. This situation is due to the reduction of water intake compared to the 90s and in connection with the introduction of limits on use and payment system for special water use. One of the positive factors that may affect the ecological rehabilitation of the region is the increase of part of the territory of the nature reserve fund of local, national and international importance.


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