Scientific and methodological justification of the typicality of the Ingulets irrigated mass for the dry-steppe zone of Ukraine

  • O.V. Morozov Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • V.V. Morozov Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • Y.V. Kozlenko Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: irrigation, research and production sites, research, zoning, typicality, region, implementation


The implementation of the Irrigation and Drainage Strategy in Ukraine for the period up to 2030 is based on the restoration, reconstruction and modernization of existing irrigation and drainage systems, as well as the construction of new facilities. All irrigation systems for many decades of their operation have accumulated a significant amount of information that reflects the features of design – survey work, construction and operation, technologies for growing crops, including irrigation regimes, monitoring of ecological and reclamation condition of lands, types and characteristics of soils, their fertility, water-salt and nutrient regime, types, parameters and mode of operation of artificial drainage, methods and techniques for solving problems. Among all irrigation systems of the dry steppe zone of Ukraine, the Ingulets irrigation system, which has been operating since 1957 and is the first in the South of Ukraine, plays a special role. This system for the first time for irrigated agriculture in the region developed technologies for growing crops, developed their irrigation regimes, agroameliorative and hydrogeological-reclamation measures for soil protection and preservation, substantiated the optimal parameters of closed horizontal drainage, recommendations for use for irrigation and irrigation, and many other topical issues. The results of research of the above works can be implemented in agricultural production, water management and land reclamation not only on the lands of the Ingulets irrigation system. But in each case, it is necessary to apply a scientifically sound methodology and methods of substantiating the typicality of research objects and objects on which the results of research are implemented or are adapted to new natural and economic conditions. When determining the typicality of irrigated objects in the dry steppe zone of Ukraine as the main method it is recommended to use different types of zoning: physical-geographical, soil, landscape, climatic, natural-agricultural, bioproductivity of land, hydrogeological and others. Ingulets irrigated massif by the main types of zoning of the territory – hydrogeological, soil, agroclimatic and landscape is typical for almost all irrigated massifs of the dry steppe zone. Conclusions. The obtained research results should be used in the development of innovative technologies for growing crops; irrigation technologies and modes; in the system of monitoring and management of ecological and agro-ameliorative condition of irrigated lands; when substantiating the optimal parameters and modes of operation of closed horizontal drainage; development of ecological and agro-ameliorative measures for protection and increase of soil fertility.


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