The transpiration coefficient of tomato depending on the granulometric composition of soils

  • O.V. Zhuravlov Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • A.P. Shatkovskyi Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • F.S. Melnychuk State Enterprise "Central Laboratory of Water and Soil Quality" of the Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • Yu.O. Cherevychny Institute of Water Problems and Land Reclamation of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: tomato, transpiration coefficient, transpiration productivity, leaf surface area, particle size distribution of soils


Purpose – to investigate and determine the granulometric compositions of soils effect on the transpiration coefficient of tomato plants. Methods. The research was carried out according to the methods of vegetation research I.K. Kirshina using analytical and statistical methods for processing experimental data. Research results. The transpiration parameters of seedling tomato plants are considered as an assessment criterion for the water demand of a plant at a certain stage of its development in order to optimize the irrigation management process. Field experimental vegetation studies were carried out on the lands of the Experimental farm “SE “Brylivske” IWPaLM NAAS during 2016–2020. The obtained results confirm that the granulometric composition of the soil significantly affects the physiological processes of tomato plants: the formation of basic biometric parameters, structural elements and parameters of transpiration processes, and so on. It has been established that the maximum water consumption for transpiration of a tomato plant corresponds to the interfacial period of “flowering–fruit formation”. At the same time, as plants grow and develop, the transpiration rate decreases. Thus, before flowering, depending on the particle size distribution of soils, the transpiration coefficient was 186,2–202,2 g/g, and at the beginning of fruit ripening, this parameter decreased to 159,8–157,6 g/g. It is determined that the tendency of dynamic changes of the transpiration productivity parameter mirrored the tendency of changes of the transpiration coefficient of tomato plants. Conclusions. The maximum values of the transpiration coefficient were recorded from planting seedlings to flowering, and in the interfacial period of “fruit formation-ripening” its parameters decreased. According to the results of correlation-regression analysis, the functional dependence of the dry matter accumulation of tomato plants on its leaf surface area was established. It is determined that depending on the particle size distribution of soils the transpiration coefficient of tomato plants has a steady tendency to decrease with increasing content of physical clay in the soil.


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