Yield and crop quality seeds of breeds of alfalfa under irrigation depending on the application of bacterial preparations

  • O.D. Tishchenko Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • A.V. Tishchenko Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.M. Dymov Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.O. Piliarska Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • N.M. Galchenko Askaniiska State Agricultural Research Station of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: productivity, irrigation, germination energy, laboratory germination, regression, coefficient of determination


Purpose. Determination of the effect of bacterial preparations on alfalfa seed productivity in the second year of life, germination energy and laboratory seed germination. Methods. The study was conducted in a two-factor field experiment. Factor A ‒ alfalfa varieties: Unitro and Zoryana. Factor B ‒ bacterial preparations (seed treatment): 1 ‒ control (without treatment); 2 ‒ Rhizobophyte; 3 ‒ Complex of biological products (CBP); 4 ‒ Cyanobacterial consortium (CBC); 5 ‒ Cyanobacterial drug (CBD). Results. Seed yield during monoinoculation with nodule bacteria (Rhizobophyte) was higher by 16.0‒20.0% compared to the control and amounted to 271.8 kg/ha in the variety Zoryana and 361.9 kg/ha ‒ the variety Unitro. However, the effect of monoculture (Rhizobophyte) on seed productivity was lower than the three-component associations with seed yields of 303.6 kg/ha (Zoryana variety) and 398.8 kg/ ha (Unitro variety). The cyanorisobial consortium (337.3; 424.6 kg/ha) showed a high effect, but the maximum result on the analyzed basis was obtained in the variant with the use of CBD ‒ 361.1 and 456.4 kg/ha in the varieties Zoryana and Unitro, respectively. As a result of researches it is established that essential increase of indicators of sowing qualities of alfalfa seeds is noted at inoculation by drugs Rhizobofit, CBP, CBC, CBD. Seed inoculation contributed to an increase in the weight of 1000 seeds in comparison with similar indicators in the control variants: in the cultivar Unitro up to 2.02–2.05 g and in the cultivar Zoryana ‒ up to 2.03–2.06 g, or by 0.03–0.06 g. The coefficient of determination between seed yield and weight of 1000 seeds was set, which was R2 = 0.290. Conclusions. Studies have shown that the use of bacterial preparations significantly increased seed productivity, weight of 1000 seeds and improved sowing qualities. The highest seed yield was obtained in the Unitro variety for seed treatment with cyanobacterial preparation (456.4 kg/ha). The highest weight of 1000 seeds was obtained in the variety Zoryana for seed treatment with cyanobacterial preparation, which was 2.06 g. The coefficient of determination between seed yield and weight of 1000 seeds was R2 = 0.290.


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