The effectiveness of biological products in the cultivation of parental components of maize hybrids at different plant densities under drip irrigation

  • T.Yu. Marchenko Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • Yu.O. Lavrynenko Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • M.Ya. Kyrpa Institute of Grain Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.F. Stasiv Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian Region of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: corn, lines, parental components, yield, seeds, biological products


Purpose. Improving the technology of growing parental lines of innovative maize hybrids on irrigated lands by determining the impact of new biological products at different plant densities on seed yield and economic efficiency under irrigation in the Southern Steppe. Establishing the influence of different freezing conditions on the seed quality of maize hybrids depending on their harvesting moisture and drying methods. Methods. Field on the account of productivity, laboratory on definition of indicators of quality of seeds; biometric to determine the peculiarities of growth and development of plants of the parental lines of maize hybrids; statistical to establish the reliability of the results. Results. It was found that the greatest influence on the leaf area of corn line plants had the parental form, the share of its influence was (62.1%). Plant density and drug treatment had less effect on the formation of leaf surface area, the share of their impact was 10.7 and 27.2%, respectively. When treated with Fluorescein BT, all parent lines of maize hybrids had the highest leaf surface area of plants. In the following phases of development of plants of culture there was a slight decrease in this indicator. Therefore, the area of leaves of one plant within different densities of the coenosis can not be an indicator of optimization of technology for growing lines-parent components of hybrids. The area of plant leaves can be an indicator of the action of a certain element of technology (in our case, biological products) at a specific plant density and a specific line. The leaf surface area of plants of the parental lines of maize hybrids showed a high level of dependence of seed yield and leaf surface area. The correlation coefficient was 0.556. The early-maturing line DK281 showed the highest level of profitability (191%) and the highest conditionally net profit (77.9 thousand UAH/ha) for plant densities of 90 thousand/ha and treatment with Biospectrum BT. The largest conditionally net profit and profitability in the middleearly line DK247 were for plant densities of 80 thousand/ ha and processing Biospectrum BT – 98.1 thousand UA/ ha and 241%, respectively. The largest conditionally net profit and profitability in the line of DC 411 were for plant densities of 80 thousand/ha and processing Biospectrum BT - 91.5 thousand UAH/ha and 224%, respectively. The largest conditionally net profit and profitability in the line DK 445 (FAO 430) was at a plant density of 70 thousand / ha and processing Biospectrum BT - 135.8 thousand UAH/ ha and 328%, respectively. Conclusions. Biopreparations Fluorescein BT, Trichopsin BT, Biospectrum BT on crops of parental components of maize hybrids cause growth regulatory action. Under the action of drugs, the leaf surface area of corn lines increased. The leaf area of plant lines decreased with increasing plant density. For each line-parent component of the hybrid requires individual cultivation technology, which provides a certain density of plants and the use of plant protection products with growth-regulating action.


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