Productivity of corn at the minimized soil tillage and organic and mineral systems of fertilizer on irrigation of south of Ukraine

  • R.A. Vozhehova Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • H.M. Isakova
  • A.S. Маliarchuk Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • D.I. Кotelnikov Yukos & K Farm
  • N.M. Galchenko Askanian State Agricultural Research Station of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: corn, system of basic soil tillage, productivity, impurity


In the article the results of researches are representedon the study of indexes of impurit and productivityof corn depending on the different systems of basic soil tillage and fertilizer and further influence on the indexesof the productivity of culture in a crop rotation in the irrigatedterms of south of Ukraine. The purpose of researches wasdetermination of influence of basic soil tillage, differentsystems of fertilizer and sideration on the impurit of sowingof corn and further influence on his productivity. Methods.During an experiment used the field, in-gravimetric, visual,laboratory, calculation-comparative, mathematicallystatisticalmethods and confessedly in Ukraine methodsand methodical recommendations. Researches wereconducted during 2016-2019 on the experienced fieldsof Аskanian SARS of IIA of NAAS. Results. It is setresearches, that substituting of ploughing the chiselloosening by a 28–30 cm in the system of plowless ondifferent depth tillage decreased the impurit of sowingof corn as compared to control on 40% on the amountof weeds and on 19,7% on the accumulation of vegetativemass with indexes 10 pieces/m2 and 31,9 g/m2 accordingly.Maximal impurit in experience on the average on a factorA (25 pieces/m2 for the amounts of weeds and 298,8 g/m2 onthe accumulation of vegetative mass) it was marked at a notill in a crop rotation, that increased their amount on 78,6%,and vegetative mass in 7,82 time as compared to control.At the same time, on the average on a factor In applicationof siderate culture diminishes an impurit on 33,3 for amountsand 45,6% on vegetative mass, promoting the productivityof corn on 13,7%. The identical level of the productivity isgot at the systems to the differentiated, plowless singledepthand different depth soil tillage 8,71-10,93 t/ha.At the same time the substantial shortage of the productivitywas got at a no tillage, where indexes were less than ascompared to control on the average on a factor A on 16,3%


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