Productivity and quality of winter wheat grains depending on the foliar feeding fertilization with micronutrients in the left bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

  • V.Yu. Yamkoviy LLC "Ukrainian Agrarian Resource"
  • O.I. Bunyak Nosiv Breeding and Research Station of the Myronivsky Wheat Institute named after V.M. Crafts of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • N.O. Yashchuk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: winter wheat, chelated microfertilizers, plant nutrition, the yield structure, grain yield, vitreousness grain, content and quality of gluten, protein content, grain grade


Purpose. To establish the peculiarities of yield formationand grain quality of soft winter wheat depending on foliarfeeding with chelated microfertilizers in the conditionsof the left bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.Research methods – field, laboratory and statistical.Planning, conducting field experiments, observationsand records were carried out according to B.O. Dospekhov. Statistical processing of the results of the experiments wascarried out using the dispersion method, using softwarepackages Agrostat, Microsoft Excel.Results. It is established that the formationof the elements of the yield structure largely depends onfoliar feeding. In particular, an increase in the numberof grains in an ear was found by 3.3–5.3 grains, grainweight per ear – 0.22–0.33 g and 1 000 grain weightper ear – 3.1–4.9 g depending on the option of foliarfeeding. Highest rates of yield structure elements formedin the variant of foliar feeding of plants “ROSTOK” Macro(2 l/ha) + “ROSTOK” Copper (1 l/ha).The use of various variants for foliar feeding whengrowing winter wheat, it promoted the good developmentof plants throughout the growing season, which madeit possible to form yield, which significantly exceededthe performance of the control variant.The application of the complex fertilizer “ROSTOK”Macro at a dose of 3 l/ha provided an increase in graingrowth by 0.36 t/ha in comparison with the control. Theuse of the “ROSTOK” Macro fertilizer at a dose of 2 l/ha incombination with the mono-fertilizer “ROSTOK” Manganeseat a dose of 1 l/ha increased the grain growth by 0.45 t/ha.The highest grain growth was obtained in the variant of foliarfeeding of plants with fertilizers “ROSTOK” Macro (2 l/ha) +“ROSTOK” Copper (1 l/ha) – 0.62 t/ha.Established that carrying out foliar feeding contributed toan increase in technological indicators (vitreousness, proteincontent, quantity and quality of gluten) and an increasein the quality class of winter wheat grain. The best in alltechnological quality indicators was winter wheat grainobtained in the variant of foliar feeding “ROSTOK” Macro(2 l/ha) + “ROSTOK” Copper (1 l/ha).Conclusions. In the conditions of the left-bank foreststeppeof Ukraine on deep low-humus chernozem, foliarfeeding with micronutrient fertilizers has a significant effecton increasing the yield and quality of winter wheat grain.Option “ROSTOK” Macro (2 l/ha) + “ROSTOK” Copper(1 l/ha) provided the maximum yield, in combination withhigh quality indicators of winter wheat grain.


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