• R.A. VOZHEHOVA Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: farming systems, irrigation, climate change, breeding, agricultural technologies, productivity, efficiency.


The goal is to substantiate the main directions of the formation of irrigated farming systems adapted to climate change on the basis of a combination of breeding developments of domestic scientists and the development of varietal technologies for their cultivation.
Methods. The initial materials for modeling and forecast-ing were experimental data of field experiments with field crops carried out on the experimental plots of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS. Research in this area was carried out using special methods for the application of information technologies in agriculture.
Results. Based on the results of generalization of long-term data, it was found that in conditions of climate change, the selection developments of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS are of great scientific and practical importance, since they are aimed at providing agricultural producers in Kherson, Nikolaev, Odessa and other regions of Ukraine with high-quality seed material. Domestic varieties and hybrids in terms of productivity potential are not inferior to foreign varieties, and in terms of adaptability and resistance to unfavorable weather factors, they significantly surpass them. In addition, varieties and hybrids of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS created in irrigated conditions and therefore are characterized by a better response to irriga-tion, have high rates of return on irrigation water and fertilizers per crop unit, which means maximum economic efficiency.
Conclusions. Climate change requires the use of inten-sive technologies for growing crops in irrigated agriculture in Ukraine, based on the use of innovative approaches with the optimization of various methods of irrigation and irriga-tion regimes, fertilization systems, processing and plant protection. The structure of sown areas and crop rotations on the irrigated lands of Ukraine is proposed for the rational use of irrigated lands and preventing the negative impact of external factors of natural and anthropogenic nature. Methodological and methodological approaches have been developed for the integral assessment of irrigated lands for their rational use, prevention of the development of deg-radation processes, protection and reproduction of fertility.


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