Economic efficiency of technology for growing sage under drip irrigation in the South of Ukraine

  • V.O. Ushkarenko Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • V.O. Chaban Kherson State Maritime Academy
  • S.V. Kokovikhin Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • A.V. Shepel Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • V.P. Kovalenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: sage, drip irrigation, economic efficiency, fertilizers, tillage, sows period, row spacing


The aim of the research was to determine the influence of the depth of the main tillage, feeding background and sowing dates on the indicators of economic efficiency of growing sage under drip irrigation in the south of Ukraine. Methods. Field experiments were conducted in accordance with the methodology of the research case during 2011−2018 in the experimental field of PE Agrofirma-Dodola" Beryslav District of Kherson Region. Mineral fertilizers were applied in the form of granular superphosphate and ammonium nitrate in the areas by hand according to the experimental scheme. Agricultural technology in the experiment was generally accepted for the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine, except for the factors that were accepted for study. Results. According to the results of generalization of long-term data, it is inserted that the highest indicators of the value of gross production of sage nutmeg are formed by using high doses of mineral fertilizers in 2–3 years of use of the studied crop. The analysis of production costs shows their maximum increase of 1.9–2.3 times in the first year of use in 1.9–2.3 times, which is associated with the cost of drip irrigation, fertilization and depletion of the basis of tillage. The maximum rates of conditional net profit – 336 thousand UAH/ha were obtained for growing crops on the background of N60P90, sowing in the first term with a row spacing of 45 cm and plowing to a depth of 28–30 cm In other years, the use of significant differences between the studied depths no main tillage was detected. Conclusions. It was determined that the cultivation of sage in the fourth year led to losses on all unfertilized varieties. The maximum profitability was obtained for plowing to a depth of 28–30 cm, fertilizer application at a dose of N60P90, sowing in the first period of formation of row spacing of 45 cm from the first to the third year of use. Under these conditions, the studied economic indicator increased to 435%. Correlation-regression analysis proved that the maximum conditional net profit and the minimum cost of 1 kg of sage inflorescences are formed in the second and third years of use. The worst values – net profit below 82 thousand UAH/ha and cost up to 27 UAH / kg were obtained in the fourth year of use in the version without mineral fertilizers.


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