Evaluation of the suitability of wastewater for crop irrigation

  • S.V. Skok Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: alternative source of water use, scarcity of water resources, moisture supply, irrigation norm, crop rotation, resource-saving irrigation methods


Purpose. To evaluate the suitability of wastewaterfor crop irrigation by agronomic criteria. Methods. Thesuitability of surface sewage effluents for crop irrigation byagronomic criteria was established according to the StateStandard 2730:2015 “Environmental protection. Qualityof natural water for irrigation. Agronomic criteria”. Thepossibility of enlarging irrigation areas was determined by the method of calculating resource-saving regimes forcrop irrigation. Evaluation of the suitability of wastewaterfor irrigation considered the threat level of the developmentof destructive processes on irrigated soils, by the indexesof soil salinity by the sum of toxic salts; soil alkalization bygeneral and toxic alkalinity; soil salinization by the ratioof the content of alkaline sodium and potassium cationsand the sum of all the cations. Research results. Theresearch made it possible to establish that unfavorableweather conditions manifesting themselves in the lackof natural moisture supply in the territory of Kherson regionfor farming require searching for alternative sources forcrop irrigation. Therefore, in order to increase productivityof crop production and improve efficiency of usingthe potential of land resources we suggest applyingrecucling technologies of water use using sewageeffluents and and stormwater for crop sub-irrigation onurban and suburban lands. According to our evaluationof the suitability of wastewater by agronomic criteria forirrigating the suggested grain and fodder crop rotation, weestablished that the water is referred to the second classof suitability and can be used for crop irrigation providedthat it is to be improved prior to use. We recommendconstruction of an engineering-biological structure of a bioplateautype for additional treatment of wastewater. Thearea of irrigated lands can reach 9468 ha by the amountof annual urban surface sewage effluents of the urbosystemKherson with the capacity of 20.5 million m3. Conclusions.We suggest applying optimized crop rotation and resourcesavingregimes for crop irrigation with using treated surfacesewage effluents according to agronomic requirements forthe quality of irrigation water as an efficient measure forefficient use of water resources, for solving the problemof scarcity of natural moisture supply and increasingagricultural efficiency under conditions of dry climate.


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