Optimization of the production process of sunflower agrocenoses under dry conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

  • O.Ya. Revto Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • Ye.O. Domaratskyi Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: sunflower hybrids, Drahan, Konhres, Tunca, growth stimulators, Wuxal Microplant, Khelafit Kombi, Biohel, Mifosat


The purpose of the research is to optimize the production process of sunflower agrocenoses under extreme dry conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. The following methods were applied in the research process: historical – to generalize scientific achievements presented in the studies on optimization of the production process of sunflower agrocenoses; a multi-year field two-factor experiment – to determine biometric indexes and the crop yield; laboratory – to analyze the structure and quality of the seed yield; statistical – to perform dispersion analysis of the research results. Results. The results generalizing the multi-year data of the field research allowed establishing that treatment of sunflower plants at the initial stages of organogenesis with growth stimulators had a different impact on biometric indexes of the plants. Foliar treatment of sunflower plants with growth stimulators did not have a substantial impact on the plant height and it depended on genetic characteristics of the hybrid. However, the preparations under study had a positive impact on the formation of the leaf area and the number of leaves per plant. All the hybrids under study had maximum leaf area and the number of leaves per plant provided that the preparation Khelafit Kombi was applied at the phase of blooming. The maximum leaf surface area of 52.5 thousand m2/ha was registered in the hybrid Tunca in the variant of treating plants with Khelafit Kombi. Analysis of the field research data made it possible to determine that the hybrid Tunca formed the highest productivity in 2017–2020. The reaction of the hybrids to the plant growth stimulators under study was different. Foliar treatment of sunflower plants with growth stimulators had a tendency to increase productivity in comparison with the test variant by all the hybrids under study. The indexes of an increase in the productivity in comparison with the test variant ranged from 0.14 to 0.43 t/ha on the average for four years of the research. The highest increase in the productivity of 0.43 t/ha due to the growth stimulators was observed in the hybrid Drahan, in the variant of treating sunflower plants with the preparation Wuxal Microplant. The impact of growth stimulators on the formation of sunflower productivity was more substantial in 2018 and 2019 – the years more favorable in terms of moisture supply in comparison with very dry years of 2017 and 2020. On the average for the years of the research, the highest productivity of 2.21 t/ha was characteristic of the hybrid Tunca provided that the plants were treated with Wuxal Microplant. Treatment of sunflower plants with growth stimulators had a positive impact on the yield structure indexes of the hybrids under study. The inflorescence diameter had a tendency to increase under the influence of growth stimulators. It was maximum when the plants were treated with Wuxal Microplant and Khelafit Kombi. The maximum weight of 1000 seeds was registered in the hybrid Tunca – 74.1 g provided that the preparation Wuxal Microplant was applied. Conclusions. The multi-year field research allows maintaining that foliar treatment of plants with growth stimulators can be an efficient mechanism of optimization of the production process of sunflower agrocenoses under extreme dry conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine.


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