Drainage runoff as an additional source of water resources on the Ingulets irrigation system

  • Y.V. Kozlenko Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
  • O.V. Morozov Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • V.V. Morozov Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: drainage, horizontal drainage, drainage stick, quality of drainage water, complex irrigation assessment


In the Pivdenny dry steppe region of Ukraine, the problem of water supply is urgent. The reserves of water resources with skin rock change, lose their quality, costly vikorystannya water in all galuzyah of the economy, including in the Silskoy government, de water, in the main culture, the dreamer of the grown-up people. These problems are related to the Inguletsky Zroshuvany Array, which are rooted in the territory of the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions, significant typical for the significant territory of the civilian regions, as well as the geological minds of Odessa, Zaporozhian geomorphological, landscape, earthy, climatic, ecologicalmeliorative, ecological, social, agricultural and water-based water-borne minds. In the minds of the growing shortage of water resources in the dry steppe zone, which has become a tendency to change the climate in a low degree of dryness, it is relevant for a complex and rational approach to all water resources, such as surface water. One of these dzherel on the growing massifs and on the territory of populated piece-drained settlements is a drainage stick, which in most cases is introduced from the flooded territory and does not become victorious. In the minds of the growing shortage of water resources in the dry steppe zone, which has become a tendency to change the climate in a low degree of dryness, it is relevant for a complex and rational approach to all water resources, such as surface water. One of these dzherel on the growing massifs and on the territory of populated piece-drained settlements is a drainage stick, which in most cases is introduced from the flooded territory and does not become victorious. Comprehensive assessment of irrigation indicators of drainage water of Ingulets irrigated massif, which is typical for most irrigation systems of the Southern region of Ukraine, shows that the danger of secondary salinization, alkalinization of the soil, toxic effects on plants irrigation with drainage water is possible with constant use of preventive landscapes. measures. When irrigating drainage water of chernozems of southern clay medium and high-buffer, according to the regulations of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 766 of 02.09.2020 there is a danger of salinization of these soils, so irrigation can be carried out by mixing drainage and irrigation water measures. On average, the mineralization of drainage and wastewater is in the range of 2.1–2.2 g/dm3. Studies have shown that in the conditions of the Ingulets irrigated massif the increase of mineralization of drainage and wastewater occurs mainly due to sulfate ions, sodium and magnesium ions, to a much lesser extent this increases the content of chloride ions, bicarbonate ions and calcium ions.


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