Influence of weather conditions and sowing dates on the yield of winter barley varieties on irrigated lands of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

  • L.B. Kysil Kherson Regional Center for Hydrometeorology
  • S.A. Zaets Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: agrometeorological conditions, winter barley, varieties, sowing time, irrigation


Purpose. To study the influence of agrometeorological conditions and sowing dates on the formation of the yield of winter barley varieties for growing on irrigated lands in the south of Ukraine. Methods. The research was conducted at the Institute of Irrigation Agriculture of the NAAS in 2016–using the methods of field and laboratory research on irrigated lands (IIA NAAS, 2014). The technology of growing winter barley is generally accepted for the irrigated conditions of the zone. Results. It was found that during the years of research, the weather conditions of the springsummer growing season of winter barley were noticeably different. In 2017, 2018 and 2019, during this period, the air temperature was higher by 1.5, 2.4 and 2.5 °С, and precipitation fell by 19.1 and 26.4 mm less and 80.7 mm more, respectively the norm. Under such weather conditions, the varieties of winter barley Akademichnyi and Dev’iatyi val formed high yields when sowing on October 1. In 2017, sowing on October 1, compared to October 20, increased the yield of the Akademichnyi variety by 13.3%, and the Dev’iatyi val – by 14.5 %. Under the conditions of 2018, the difference on the Akademichnyi variety was even greater and amounted to 38.0 %, and on the Dev’iatyi val – 11.1 %. The smallest difference was in 2019, where it was 8.5% on the Akademichnyi variety and 4.9% on the Dev’iatyi val. Among the varieties with a high grain yield, the Dev’iatyi val stood out – 6.83 t/ha, which is 0.36 t/ha higher than in Akademichnyi. Conclusions. The weather conditions during the years of the research had a different effect on the sowing time and grain yield of winter barley varieties. It has been established that the highest grain yield of the Akademichnyi and Dev’iatyi val varieties was formed when sowing on October 1, which is on average 20 and 10 % more than when sowing on October 20. On average, over three years, the highest yield of 6.83 t/ha was provided by the two-handed variety Dev’iatyi val.


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