Correlation and path analysis of productivity and its components in spring barley

Keywords: spring barley, correlations, path analysis, productivity, selection


Correlation and analysis of path coefficients establishes the nature of complex interrelationships between productivity and its components. The purpose of the work is to determine the correlation coefficients of 7 quantitative plant traits of varieties and lines of spring barley and the results of a path analysis of productivity (grain weight per plant) in different ecological and geographical zones. Methods. The analysis was carried out according to the main indicators of productivity: plant height, productive tillering, spike length, kernel number per spike, grain weight per spike, grain weight per plant, weight of 1000 grains. Pairwise correlation coefficients and path coefficient analysis were determined using OPSTAT software. Results. The analysis of average values of correlations in different zones for the same sample of spring barley varieties shows that the main characteristics for selection for productivity are grain weight per spike, weight of 1000 grains and spike length. The signs of productive tillering and kernel number per spike can change under the influence of the environment, so selection for these signs may not be effective enough. Conclusions. In the conditions of the three zones, a significant high direct correlation of grain weight per plant with grain weight per spike, weight of 1000 grains and spike length was established. In different zones, the formation of productivity, according to the path analysis indicator, depended on different signs: in the conditions of NSDS, the kernel number per spike (1.148), followed by weight of 1000 grains (0.934) and the productive tillering (0.589) showed the greatest direct positive effect on productivity; in the conditions of MIP, the productive tillering (0.593) and weight of 1000 grains (0.583) showed a high direct positive effect on productivity; in ISGS conditions, the productive tillering (0.571) and the grain weight per spike (0.476) showed a direct positive effect on productivity.


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