Keywords: chernozem-type soils, anthropogenic transformation, amphiphilic properties of humus.


Degradation of the humic state of soils and changes in amphiphilic properties naturally affected their structural and aggregate composition. Purpose. The aim of the work was to identify the dependence between the soil structure and humus composition of chernozem-type soils of the Kirovohrad region within natural (forest, fallow) and agro-ecosystems (arable land). Methods. In the process of performing the work, general scientific and special research methods were used: comparative-geographical, comparative-profile-genetic (selection of soil samples layer by layer); comparative-analytical (physical-chemical and agrochemical studies, comparative-calculation and statistical (mathematical and statistical processing of experimental data). The results. Long enough agricultural use of soils within the transition of the southern Forest Steppe to the northern Steppe is accompanied by the degradation of the quantitative and qualitative composition of humus and the deterioration of their structural composition. The structural composition of chernozem-type soils within the Kirovohrad region depends not only on the content and fractionalgroup composition of humus, but also on the hydrophobichydrophilic properties of soil organic matter. The analysis of statistical data obtained during the processing of the results of the experiment allows us to assume that the formation of the structural and aggregate composition of soils, both natural and agroecosystems, largely depends on the amphiphilic properties of humus, its hydrophobicity, which is confirmed by the values of the correlation coefficient, and also indicate a high the degree of reliability of the obtained dependencies. Conclusions. A comprehensive analysis of the obtained values of the correlation coefficient between the structure and properties of soil organic matter, such as the humus content, the degree of its humification on the one hand, and the amphiphilic properties of humus on the other hand, characterizes the presence of a moderate to medium close connection between these features. It is worth noting that the value of the correlation coefficient for natural ecosystems is higher than for agroecosystems. Its positive value indicates a linear dependence when changing one property of the soil structure factor to a change in humus content, the degree of humification, and the degree of hydrophobicity, which is very necessary in the agriculture of the region.


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