Intraspecific variability of metal resistance seed progeny of Taraxacum officinale Wigg. s.l.

Keywords: anthropogenic transformation of the environment, Taraxacum officinale, metal resistance, industrial pollution, root test


Goal. Based on the analysis of «dose-effect» dependences, differences between morphological forms and coenopopulations of dandelion in response to concentrations of copper sulfate inhibiting root growth were identified. Methods. Integrated use of field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical, computational and comparative methods and system analysis. Results. Based on the analysis of dose-effect relationships under the influence of a wide range of concentrations of copper sulfate, the metal resistance of the seed offspring of two morphological forms of Taraxacum officinale Wigg s.l., was assessed by the root test growing in background conditions and conditions of man-made environmental transformation. Since differences in the number and ratio of the coenopopulations of these forms, as well as in the levels of copper accumulation by them, were previously established in the studied areas, it was assumed that they also differ in the metal resistance of the seed offspring. It was shown that the average values of the effective concentrations of copper sulfate, inhibiting the root growth of seedlings by 10, 50 and 90%, did not differ between the studied areas and morphological forms of dandelion. Conclusions. It was found that high concentrations of copper (up to 900 μg/g and higher) in soils do not have a direct effect on the development of increased metal resistance (ECx) of Taraxacum officinale seed offspring to this metal. It is possible that the relationship between the two morphological forms of Taraxacum officinale f. dahlstedtii and T. off. f. pectinatiforme in coenopopulations growing in the gradient of man-made environmental transformation is not the result of differences only in the metal resistance of their seed offspring. The change in the intraspecific structure of populations is probably caused by a change in edaphic and coenotic conditions, including those indirectly caused by increased levels of BM in soils. This determines the need for further studies of intraspecific variability of T. officinale, in particular from the point of view of cenotic competitiveness and tolerance to abiotic factors of the environment.


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