Keywords: technogenic pollution, urban ecology, motor transport, ecosystem, roadside zones, heavy metals, phytotoxicity.


Goal. Integral assessment of the ecological state of roadside zones (on the example of Odessa). Methods. Complex use of field, laboratory, mathematical-statistical, calculation-comparative methods and system analysis. Results. The analysis of the features of accumulation and migration of HM in the soil of roadside zones in urban conditions was carried out. The value of the intensity of the movement of motor vehicles, which causes an unacceptable degree of phytotoxicity of the soil of roadside zones, was determined. A classification of transport races characteristic of urbanized areas is proposed. The regularities of the distribution of HM in the soil of roadside zones were revealed, depending on different options of urban development and the presence or absence of green spaces. Data on the content of mobile forms of HM in the soil of roadside zones, obtained during the course research, can be used in the course of ecological monitoring on the territory of Odessa and serve as a criterion for assessing the degree of man-made impact. Information on the peculiarities of the distribution of motor vehicle flows on the city’s highways can help coordinate actions to modernize the city’s street and road network and reduce pollution in roadside zones of the city territory. Data on the migration of HMs in the roadside zone and the features of their accumulation in plants must be taken into account when carrying out work on landscaping the city. Conclusions. It was established that the intensity of motor vehicle traffic on highways in Odessa varies from 3 to 3,943 vehicles per hour depending on their location and destination. In the traffic flow, the ratio of cars, buses, and trucks is 40:10:1, respectively. The intensity of traffic on the highways of the city is characterized by seasonal dynamics and has pronounced peaks from 7.30 to 9.00 and from 16.30 to 18.30. It was found that roadside soils are characterized by pH values that vary between 6.42 and 9.23, depending on the intensity of traffic and the area of the city. The pH values decrease with distance from the road surface. The carbon content in the soils of roadside zones in Odessa varies from 2.47 to 6.91 and has seasonal and spatial dynamics. It was determined that the content of mobile forms of HM in the soils of roadside zones exceeds the LPC, is determined by the degree of road congestion, has seasonal dynamics, and decreases with distance from highways. The exception is Cd, the concentration of which, in general, does not exceed the LPC. It was established that the roadside soils of transport races with the intensity of movement of 1300–4000 vehicles/ hour are characterized by a high level of phytotoxicity (up to 53.8%), which decreases with a decrease in the man-made load of motor vehicles. Phytotoxicity, which corresponds to the norm, has racing soils with a traffic intensity of less than 50 vehicles per hour.


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